Folder Code [F2U]



2 years, 5 months ago


New code pog! This time I wanted to make my folders look pretty but... I couldn't find any code that fit my profile aesthetic. So, as usual, I coded my own thing.
As usual x2, a few things should be said:

- Comment if you're going to use it! I wanna see how people customize it and stuff :3
- Don't remove my watermark! You can move it, but keep it visible and linked!

And the old stuff applies too:
- Mobile friendly
- WYSIWYG friendly (I think)
- Uses bootstrap colours

Frankensteining is a-ok! Along with modifications, just keep my watermark visible !

This is my alt account, my main one is Alphiixy, I don't log in here too often!! I have some other f2u stuff here tho

Live preview

Folder Name

Adjective Adjective

Desc go brrr! Looks best short, but does scroll!
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