


2 years, 5 months ago



Name: Ailana

Theme: the Future of hope

Category: Emotion

Type: essencial (hope)

Number of Tails: 9

Badges: 4

Current job / role: resident hope bringer.


Personality: cheerful, slightly clingy, sometimes hyper

Background: born in another timeline to gingersnap and tempora, ailana lived a simple childhood. she wasnt pampered, nor was she deprived of everything. one day, something happened, and she ran. ran away to another timeline, hiding out as a kitsune. she eventually heard of the Exiled, and decided to follow them. as she did so, she felt something familiar. it led her to a bright portal. without thinking, she dove in. 

During the Dream: a soft voice that sounded like her mother greeted her. as she swam about in the waters of the dream, she noticed memories of her life so far, mixed with different timelines. she remembered all the hope and joy that those timelines held, and the hope her mother had before that happened. she wanted to keep a hold of that hope, to hold it tight and to keep it alive.

After the Dream: ailana exited the dream, and was confused. she only had one tail, and her coat was a different colour than before? instead of the exciting brown with grey spots she had gotten used to, her body was a goldish colour. she took a few moments to get a feel for the new world, before plunging onward, in search of her mother.




  • tempora- mother (…). Ailana loves her mother dearly, and wishes she could do more for her. however, she doesn't know exactly what she can do at this time...
  • Gingersnap (home timeline)- father. Ailana misses her father, and doesn't know what truly happened. though she has some idea from tempora's sadness after going through a portal chasing a Consequence.
  • Gingersnap (canon timeline) confusion (…). is he her father, or not?
  • Serena- friends (…). serena and ailana have become friends, ailana enjoying the mall walks she takes with the younger kitsunegami. though serena is pretty young, she can still give ailana an unforgettable adventure.
  • Eichi- friends ( Eichi and Ailana are more than just pet and master. they have become friends, and will protect one another through thick and thin. Eichi has been observed sitting on Ailana's head whilst she goes about her day, or flying alongside her. Ailana also enjoys the company.
  • Gachi- friendly ( Alana doesn't seem to mind gachi as much now, and even talks to the Consequence in secluded areas, so he can change into his true form.

regular body build
spiky ear fluff
flowy cheek fluff
dove styled wings
essencial leg extensions (feathers)

RARE: fur collar
LEGENDARY: transmutation- Ailana can change into the form of a small golden yellow dove, with purple wingtips and leg feathers.
ACCESSORY: golden yellow watch.



Ailana's inherent magic is essence boost. she uses this magic to help others feel more hopeful. her magic cannot be reversed into hopelessness, but it can be nullified if the recipient is feeling hopeless enough. her magic manifests as a slight glow to her body and a trail of energy coming from her eyes. she spreads her magic using pheromones, which spread out through the air.
she is most powerful when she holds in her magic for a while, or when she is near particularly hopeful creatures/kitsunegamis. kitsunegamis like gingersnap would definitely help her spread even more powerful magic.


Ailana's pet is a frost owl by the name of Eichi. he is a rather soft spoken individual, and doesn't really like to argue with others much. he does get involved when Ailana is in danger or something, as he has promised to keep her safe. Eichi loves to eat berries and small animals, and his favourite kind of food is a special moon berry that Ailana took the time and patience to plant and breed a few plants for him.


Ailana's aura is an invisible dust like substance that works in tandem with her magic. when it makes the form of a clock or watch, kitsunegamis will get a feeling of something good happening in the near future, and will be hopeful. Ailana's aura can counteract Achlys' magic, and sometimes kitsunegamis who have been affected by the kami of sadness will come to Ailana to lift their spirits.

ailana's sanctuary, often called "hope valley" is a small valley hidden by clouds and magic. it is a quiet, simple place with plenty of tress and a lone waterfall that spills into a small pond that connects to a river. the river and valley itself are teeming with fish and small animals. small campsites are made and at the ready for anyone wanting to stay a little while.

the animals and fish here are a little different to normal ones. they all seem to glow with a colourful energy, and all of them have some sort of clock or dove marking on their bodies. doves are the only creature here that do not have markings, but all of them glow with a fantastic light.

people who come here are often without hope, and the magic of this place allows them to feel it once more. sometimes, Alana will appear and try to pull the negative hopelessness out of the person. this hopelessness becomes food for the creatures living in the sanctuary, and if enough is consumed, more beings can be born into the world.

image coming soon!
creature image coming soon!

General facts:

  • Ailana used to have all nine tails, much like her mother, but the time travel and subsequent dream has stripped her of many of her tails. she has since gained them back, but not all at once like tempora
  • she used to sometimes forget this and tried to access powers she cannot actuallly use yet.
  • ailana is an only child, and wasnt really spoiled much, as her mother and father were rather busy. she did lead a somewhat comfortable life. until the sickness...
  • ailana has phasmophobia and monophobia. the latter is more severe, and she craves attention from others. this can make her seem slightly clingy.
  • like her mother, she can see into time, but only for a few seconds. her power lies more in her father's side, with her top notch baking skills, and boundless energy.
  • ailana has a combinations of her parent's tastes. her absolute favorite food is baked bean pops, covered in a mountain of sugar.
  • Her wings are based on Dove wings (cause hope and peace lol)
  • since tempora travelled through timelines to rid them of the Consequence threat, Ailana has gained the ability to transmute into a small dove. she also has a new slight fear of time travel, and warns others to not meddle with time, even though she can't tell them why, out of fear.

Human form:
Doodled by the fabulous Sutunari

Kitsunegamis are open species by ZauriArt