Nasrin (CyNas ♥️)



1 year, 10 months ago


Gender Female
Orientation Pansexual
Birthday July 31
Star Sign Leo



Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Birthday June 23
Star Sign Gemini



Height Difference
20 cm
178 cm
158 cm

Age Difference
5 years

Big spoon

Little spoon
Lends clothes

Borrows clothes
Doesn't use pet names

Uses pet names

Affection through words

Affection through actions
Confesses first

Waits for confession
Screams about the bugs

Squashes bugs with a shoe
Drives the car

Can't drive
Can't cook

Makes dinner
Dislikes PDA

Loves PDA

Has more relationship experience

Has no relationship experience
How they met

Nasrin first meets Cyno through Lisa, the ladies being friends with each other at the time that they began their education at Sumeru Akademiya. Cyno didn't get to speak to Nasrin much since they studied and graduated from different schools, however, they are able to come closer when they both become Matras. With her rather flirtatious personality, she was quick to target Cyno without realizing that the General Mahamatra would fall for her unintentionally.

Their Relationship

Most people wouldn’t be able to tell Cyno's and Nasrin’s relationship is even a thing unless it’s directly mentioned to another person. Both are rather serious about saving their affection outside of the workplace, especially since they were both Matras. Aside from Nasrin liking to flirt with him like she isn’t in the relationship, really only to see him worked up for “unprofessional behavior.”

Nasrin and Cyno got the chance to interact when both of them first became Matras. The woman really had no idea where she’d gotten the will to become one as she always found herself distracted by other things, especially slacking off and messing around with other Matras when she was supposed to be cracking down on people committing “academic crimes.” Cyno, who appears to be stern and intimidating, quickly became one of her favorite targets. She was sure the man would be a tough nut to crack, however, that wasn’t the case, as being on the receiving end of this beautiful woman’s unwanted attention had unintentionally had an effect on him. Cyno was good at not expressing the fact, at least that’s what he thought. It’s not what the woman wanted at first, but on her second thought, he wasn’t too bad and she was not scared of him, unlike other people. Ever so casually, she’d asked if he’d wanted to go on a simple date, that is when the two of them were granted aligned free time from their Matra duties.

Following the events of Dreams, Emptiness, and Deception, Nasrin follows in Cyno's footsteps and agrees to send herself into exile from the Akademiya with him. He tries to tell her that it might not be such a good idea for her to do so, but at the same time, he does not want her to play into the hands of the sages and their plans. Nasrin proceeds to follow along, eventually spending her time with everyone to help devise a plan to stop the sages from creating a false god.

How Nasrin feels

I never really had the intention of winning this man’s heart of all people, but maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. He’s a big figure in the Akademiya, which makes it all the more fun to tease him for utterly no reason. What? Do you think that’s mean? I don’t think it is! It’s out of love.

How Cyno feels

Nasrin… Well, yes, of course, I love her. My judgment has always been that she was a woman of power as a Matra, but she can never agree with me. If she has the will to be around me as the General Mahamatra, a thorn in the side of many scholars of the Akademiya, I must agree she is.


  • Nasrin and Cyno are currently married, having wed about 2-3 years prior to the main story.
  • As we know, Cyno makes a joke and then sits there and explains them with a straight face. Nasrin gets so fed up with it, even worse when it comes to Cyno making horrible pickup lines.
  • I am so sorry but I and PwonPwon agree that he would low-key simp for Nasrin goodnight, this is where all the pickup lines and valiant attempts to woo her come from, which surprises her from such a serious person like him.
  • Despite both having graduated from their own schools, they both continue to study for fun. As a "date," they would say.
  • As Matras, Cyno insists that they both take work very seriously and that they should not be affectionate. However, this does not stop Nasrin from flirting with him here and there as if they aren't together.
  • Nasrin tends to be a little scared at how stoic Cyno tends to be involving duty, so he has to remind her that it's not directed at her at all.
  • They own a small place, which is probably decorated with house plants and terrariums... Nasrin and her plants tsk tsk.
  • Cyno gets annoyed at the fact his partner is taller than him, most of the time he's trying to play it off with a joke, but we all know how that goes...
  • Cyno is a rather lighthearted partner, being lax until someone messes with Nasrin. That’s when it’s serious business, he gets territorial and overprotective.
  • It's rare that Nasrin catches sight of Cyno staring at her, but if she ever does, he'll try his best to play it off as observing something else. Nasrin finds it somewhat endearing when she does catch it.
  • There are times when Nasrin gets so off track that Cyno has to constantly be her reminder to get back to work. She kind of hates it, but at the same time, she definitely needs it.
  • Many people think that Nasrin is too dainty and feminine to be in a position of a Matra and it upsets her. Cyno will always come to her side and assure her otherwise, reminding her she’s a powerful woman in his eyes.
  • Despite his personality and appearance, he’s very polite and gentle with her. Even if they’ve been together for a while, he typically asks her permission to do something, whether touching or kissing her.
  • Sometimes there are times when Cyno looks at Nasrin and remembers she is related to Alhaitham. Considering the little rivalry(?) between the two men, it makes him cringe a little inside.
  • NSFW
    • Cyno is in charge too much, so Nasrin takes it upon herself to dominate the situation regarding sex. Does it last the whole time? No. But it still counts guys.
    • There are times where Cyno is nice enough to give into her once in a while and let her do as she pleases.
    • These two keep it strictly indoors. Any surface within their household is game, it's fun to experiment just where they can do it.
    • Paizuri. That’s all.
    • Just like Cyno is into her chest, she’s into his just as much. She loves admiring how toned he is and how reactive he is when she caresses down his abdomen.
    • Nasrin LOVES teasing him and pushing his buttons just because she knows he’s into punishing her for it.
    • Regardless of what position they’re in, Cyno loves having the view of Nasrin’s breasts bouncing from fucking her.
    • Okay, I think cockwarming would be such a big thing between these two. Nasrin would definitely beg him to do so, and he has no choice but to give in and let her do it while he tries getting some work done at his desk at home.
    • Taking the lead, Cyno gets very into telling her what to do. It kind of relates to him being her boss in their work life after all…
    • Both of their sex drives are pretty average, usually, it’s them trying to get it done before they have to get to work or something. So there’s a lot of quickness involved in their sex together.
    • On rare occasions, they get slower times to be able to indulge and enjoy. This is where both of them love to drag the pleasure out and prolong it for each other.
    • Cyno scolds her if she tries to leave a mark on his body knowing the clothing he typically wears. In that case, she tries her best to keep it where it’ll be unseen. Mostly on his thighs, she thinks they’re nice after all.
    • Because it’s normally quick between them, their aftercare isn’t all too much. He’ll at least help her clean up before they’re into their workplace mode.