★Foxtopus - Sylvester★



2 years, 5 months ago








Male (He/They)




His skin's a pale- almost white- blue, with a slightly darker blue under his eyes that continues up onto his forehead. Purple freckles dot his cheeks. His eyes are a bright yellow- with no visible pupils. He has rather pointed fangs that stick out of his mouth just slightly. Sylvester has bright blue flippy hair, with purple lining the undersides and a few strands of yellow that stands up on his forehead. He's got large fox ears that point upright on top of his head- blue, to match his hair. He's got four tentacles for tails- each are blue, with a lighter blue underside. Each tail is charged with electricity, which regularly sparks and even sometimes react with nearby electronics. 

Being a Foxtopus, Sylvester can transform into a canine-fox! Which is, in reality, his true form. Around cow-sized in height, this large fox carries much the same colours and tails as his humanoid form does. His back, which is blue much like his hair- has two strikes of darker blue bolts of lightning. His stomache is pale-blue-white, and he carries an almost mane around his neck- purple and darker purple in colour, with the same two lightning bolts across his chest- this time in yellow. His legs are also pale-blue, but halfway down the legs are a dark purple-blue, and the paws themselves are purple. His paw pads are bright yellow, as are his nose, and eyes. His purple freckles, and his sprig of yellow hair are still apparent in his canine-form.




(Profile is a wip! Could potentially change!!)

Sylvester is a rather chill guy, always acting cool and confident, seemingly, no matter the situation. Usually always seen smiling or grinning, taking selfies, partying, and living in the moment! In reality, should one get to know him better, Sylvester's a bit awkward, quiet, and shy. At social gatherings, anybody would say Sylvester's practically a magnet- everyone wants to know him and hang with him! And, on a surface level, Sylvester's great at blending in and looking the part. He's always surprised whenever anybody actually genuinely wANTS to get to know him better- and that's where his sort of persona falls apart. He's outgoing, fun- but needs a lot of time to himself to recharge. Despite his loud and fun outward personality he portrays in front of others, he adores peace, quiet, and lots of alone time. Not that he doesn't LIKE being outgoing- it's fun being the center of attention sometimes! But he values his down times, too.

He likes to tinker with electronics in his spare time- nothing impressive, just messing with handhelds and modding games to the best of his ability. There's been a few times where he's broken a game or console beyond repair due to this- but it's fine! It's all part of the process, learning and getting better at it. He poked around with an old computer setup once- still working on that one. 

When worked up- either too upset, mad, or even excited- the electricity in his tails lights up and becomes more active! Even sometimes overcharging nearby electronics, or in some cases, even sapping the battery life out of nearby objects, as well. Thankfully these events don't happen often, and when they do, they're hardly noteworthy or catastrophic- just inconvenient. 


(To be added another time!!)


  • A Foxtopus! Which is a Closed Species. You can find out all about them, here!
  • Doesn't go aNYWHERE without his glasses. He can see alright without them, but they're moreso a comfort item than anything else.
  • Likes to overdress and cover himself up.
  • Very clingy to his electronics- his phone is always within arm's reach.
  • Despite claiming he's rather awkward and weird, Sylvester's actually a very pleasant guy. Thoughtful, sweet, considerate- he just isn't sure of how to handle more personal friendships!