
2 years, 8 months ago



Önskar is the Deity of Peace, Hope, Cycles, Dreams, and Wishes.

  • Name Önskar
  • Nickname N/A
  • Age Unknown
  • Gender Female
  • Pronouns She/Her
  • Sexuality Pansexual
  • Species Diety
  • Domain Peace, Hope, Cycles, Dreams, & Wishes
  • Residence Eternity
  • Religion Eternis
  • Alignment Lawful Good
  • Positive Traits Strong Leader, Wise, Calm
  • Negative Traits Sometimes Pushover, Quiet, Struggles when Plans Fail
  • Outlook Önskar has a very hopeful outlook believing th worst times create the best.
  • Belief Önskar believes remaining hopeful and achieving your dreams no matter what.
  • Strengths Önskar is an extremely calm and strong leader. She is also extremely wise and intelligent and shockingly strategic.
  • Weaknesses Önskar can be a bit of a pushover sometimes especially when it involves Niveus. She can be a bit too quiet on certain topics and can struggly when plans go awry.
"What have you done? Niveus- look at me. What did you do?"

Önskar is a very calm and wise ruler with strong leadership abilities. She has a very intelligent mind and is shockingly adept at strategy- military, politically, or otherwise. She can take a while to truly speak her mind or be too quiet at times. Önskar is also a bit of a pushover around Niveus not usually stating her mind around him and letting him plan. She can struggle when her plans go off the rails as she likes order.

  • Optimist
  • Rude
  • Peaceful
  • Playful
  • Creative
  • Lethargic
  • Follower
  • Brave
  • Insecure
  • Intelligent
  • Wise
  • Forgetful
  • Impulsive
  • Neat
  • Curious
  • Clumsy
  • Patient
  • Liar


  • Niveus
  • Order
  • Embroidery
  • Lilies
  • Peace
  • Clouds


  • Chaos
  • Plans Going Awry
  • Molting
  • Fire
  • Celery
  • Raisins


  • Embroidery
  • Cloudgazing
  • Gardening
  • Doing Paperwork
  • Being Worshipped
  • Making Plans


  • Strategy
  • Leadership
  • Granting Wishes
  • Dreamwalking
  • Inspiring Hope
  • Calming Aura
  • Skin Color Tan
  • Eye Color Gold
  • Hair Color White
  • Height 9'5"
  • Clothing Style Fancy silks and cloths
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Flat
  • Frail Muscular
  • Groomed Messy

Önskar's main form is a tan humanoid with green to aqua gradient scales on her back, feet, at the top of her arms, hands, and creeping onto her torso. She has a curved horn coming out of her forehead that goes from tan to white in a gradient. She has a pair of aqua split horns from the back of her head. She has long, straight, white hair that is tied in a loose ponytail at about her shoulders. She has white talons on her hands and feet. Her eyes are bright gold in color, and the whites of her eyes are a pale gold. She has a short, green-scaled tail. On her back is a pair of webbed spines, which connects at the base of her tail and continues as a single row down it. Her ears are elven in appearance. She has what is called her "other face" where here teeth sharpen, and the scales continue on the sides of her face. Her ears become webbed frills that connect to her back spines.

Design Notes

  • Her pupils are rectangles.
  • Her big toe's talon is extra large.
  • The clothing she usually wears is skimpy due to all of the spines sticking out.
  • Her "other face" comes out when using magic, having strong emotions, or just at will.
  • She has a bit of hair that goes in the front of her right eye. It isn't constantly covered though.
Click for Reference


During the Creation, the time period in which the Khalid was created, Önskar was created alongside Niveus. Both of them learned about each other more as the universe and more deities were created. Önskar was proud of the world and watched in wonder as the other deities created life and led alongside Niveus. She met Skönhet during the time, and they became fast friends and Skönhet told Önskar about the ideas they had.

Önskar faded more into the background and sacrificed more and more of her power to Niveus. She was still positive even as humanity and the beasts began to pick at each other. She still granted wishes and tried to calm both sides but to no avail. She began to lose hope and when the first war occured, she felt torn apart inside. She had nothing against the deity surrounding war once she was born, and she understood its necessity, but it was something her very domain stood against.

Despite this, she did not agree with Niveus's treatment of the whole Krig situation. She saw the dreams Krig and Sigrid had and felt pain for what happened to them. She never told her spouse this or told him she did not agree. Önskar stood beside him, yet the rumours surrounding the disappearance of Mimikk. Obviously, Niveus didn't actually kill her, for he would never kill another deity.... right?

Present Day

Önskar is reprising her leadship role as she is fearful of what he will do. She is granting Krig the ability to visit the human realm once more as Niveus is going off the deep end, and she's not sure she can trust him anymore. Especially after what she saw him do to Ledia.


Name: Skönhet

Time known each other: Unknown

Skönhet and Önskar are close friends and constantly tag team projects.


Name: Niveus

Time known each other: Unknown

Önskar and Niveus were the first two deities, so they naturally grew towards each other first as close friends then as lovers.


Name: Svälta

Time known each other: Unknown

Svälta is like Önskar's child, and Önskar views them and treats them as such.