The White Dragon (Prophet)



6 years, 7 months ago


The White Dragon is one of the three dragons manifested to create the world of Choro-Q. Out of the three, her aura is one that consists of nature and the life around it. Known to be a compassionate and caring creature, the White Dragon continues to let life flow freely to allow Chorophoria to thrive. She, along side her siblings manifested the Choro-Qs into existence, using her essence to create a mechanical born creature into being. A creature that is living yet not of the world that one would expect it to live in.

Later on, the White Dragon would clash with her brother, the Black Dragon over their ideals, unliking the influence the Black Dragon had over the Choro-Q. Unfortunately, she had used all of her remaining power to seal away her brother’s essence to prevent further harm and death that would plague Chorophoria forever.

While the god was as a Choro-Q to preserve her remaining essence. She took in the dystopian life that she had given her people. Those who looked up to her saw fortune and prosperity. Though, we’re full of green and selfishness. They did not share or care for those poorer in the caste system.