


6 years, 7 months ago


Jax Akemi

Eldest Akemi son. Aiden's older brother. Next in line for the Akemi throne. Immediately became awestruck when he first saw Akio during introductions. Made it his utmost duty to introduce Akio to the Kingdom grounds and give him facts about their family, while not so subtly flirting. Akio seems to be having none of it, dodging his advances and curtly brushing off his questions with short answers. Seems that this would take some time...

Jax is very playful and charming; and just as sly as his brother, though he does it more on the down-low. As the next King in line he tries to act a little more serious, if not for his Kingdom then for his family. But not all the time. He's very much a flirt and doesn't know when to tone it down sometimes. He's been banned from a few places in the village nearby and he's not allowed into one of the faraway kingdoms after failing to make peace with them (he flirted with the crown prince on inauguration day even though that prince had a fiancee set to move in with him). But listen, he didn't know. He...He was only joking. Okay maybe he wasn't but whatever its that guys' loss.

Despite having to deal with being the next in line for the family and his oh so serious duties, Jax can't resist nudging Aiden during a meeting sometimes to blow a raspberry at him though. It pleases him to see his brother smile, or motion to him about what someones wearing as the two giggle to themselves.

All in all in joking, calm and very playful nature may also be his way to cope with all the work and responsibility, so it's alright if he keeps making light of everything then, no?

Probably very much into being cornered by Akio but don't tell anyone else that

Jax fits best into royal aus but if youd like to rp we can probably talk abt other aus?