🜲 Mezzanine (— yumi-kins)



she/her - feline looking like mf , ware-jomyu yumi-kin , size may vary- however she's mostly plushie sized.
only has keepers extensions , meat tail & "burned"/meaty face

  • she is called after a cancelled silent hill-ish game
  • is just as awkward as mezzanine but has an strangely hyperactive personality, especially if she eats any sugary food.
  • when eating sugary food, she will not be able to calm down or keep still. she will become a ball of chaos and energy wherever she goes, so mezzanine prefers not to take her out when there is sweet food nearby.
  • she would never let you rest.
  • shes always drooling for no goddamn reason
  • headcanon voice

they/them - feline looking idiot , yumi-kin , plushie sized, strangely soft
horns are colored bone.

  • razzmatazz is called after a song. namesake
  • they r just calm and passive, barely moves... is often confused for a plushie.
  • they only eats when agartha forces them to, they are too lazy to decide for themself.
  • is always sleeping, has they ever moved more than when ordered? in fact, do they even always do what they're told to do? No.
  • purrs
  • it is preferable that they does not speak. their voice is the same of mezzanine's tail, he say it's terrifying and unbearable to listen to...