tbn's Comments

oh my goodness they're gorgeous... would you take a flat-coloured halfbody or a coloured sketch fullbody? my examples are a little inconsistent but this example is the most accurate to what it might look like style-wise! tried to match what i offered as close to the original price ^^;

Hi, we can definitely talk about this. Your art is really nice!

The main art I am interested in right now would be something that is on the not-realistic gore body horror though, so I don't know if that would be something you are comfortable drawing. (I saw your profile mentions it, but want to check to be sure.)
But if fine, it would be of this character, and with his torso stitch coming apart so that the upper body half is at a weird angle (like a broken doll), but there wouldn't be any blood or organs involved, just some pink tentacles or similar.

I'd need to come up with a pose for the character, and so I am not fully decided on which of the two options I'd pick for it, but please let me know if this would be workable!

oh, i would love to draw that! any type of body horror is a-ok with me :-)
i can def draw luke! if you'd like, i can draft out a thumbnail of both the halfbody and fullbody option for you to decide.

Wonderful! Thank you too. And the thumbnail drafting would be great! Thank you so much for that. I'll also set up a gallery bit with the images so you can have the full references and DM that to you. (And of course move this character to on hold. :) )

got it! i'll send those thumbnails to you soon ^^

Hi, you have lovely characters but I didn't see anyone I felt I would use. But thanks for your offer and time!

Omg, just peeped in to see how they were doing, love this personality you've given them!!   

Oh, thank you! That's super kind of you to say. (And neat that you cared enough to do a follow up check-in!) I'm so glad you approve of it. :)