Edda (GI)



2 years, 2 months ago



“A disgraced scholar from Fontaine, or an unhinged heretic? It quite hard to tell with this odd figure, but they mostly mean well, even with their eccentricities. If you can handle their rather… esoteric beliefs.”

Rarity: ☆☆☆☆☆

Vision: Cryo

Weapon: Catalyst

Region of origin: Fontaine


Constellation: Insomnis Fictor - Sleepless Dreamer

Birthday: 5/31

Pronouns: He/She/They/Xem (Any pronouns really)

Affiliation: Misfit Mercs Company



Edda can be considered something of a heretic, in the sense the he… doesn’t particularly respect the Archons, nor Celestia either. Rather, they believe in the existence of something beyond Teyvat itself, a being (or beings?) that she believes came to them in a dream, among other members of her former clergy, with the gift of enlightenment. It’s also rather unclear whether xey were kicked out for xeir more ‘extreme’ methods or if they just left on their own volition to further his studies.

With their enthusiasm for their belief and craft, she can be incredibly overwhelming with sharing it with others. In fact, her zealous nature does even bleed in the way he casts, as it doesn’t match known styles from nations known or ancient. Edda also has a habit of scaring people, unintentionally or not is up for debate within the Company, and it’s not like he’s going to confirm anyways.

Xey’re unpredictable, and hard to get a read on, as well having a good heaping amount of disrespect for any Archons, Celestia, and gods not of xeir own, so it can be rather difficult to get along with their volatile personality. Unless if you’re just as unhinged as they are or as eccentric as the rest of the Company. Yet despite this, and her love for ‘enlightening’ anyone that asks about his beliefs, they keep a rather tight lock on their past and background.

Much like the rest of the Company, it looks like xey too, have some mysteries of xeir own.