Radu £33



2 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value



Owner: Puddle
Name: Radu
Bloodline: n/a
Species: Drakanis
Gender: male
Birth Date: January 5th
Parents: n/a
Cubs: n/a

Stats: STR – 5 | RES – 7 | WIS – 6 | CHA – 4 | DEX – 8
Traits: Ears: R | Tails: R | Fangs: UC | Size: UC large | Eyes: C | Horns: L
Mutations: n/a
Special Bases:
Full Bio: n/a

Personality: Cheerful | Overly Curious | Impulsive | Drama Queen
Tends to get into scrapes due to his curiosity and often gets his nose whapped as a result. He's so earnest, however, that most others don't truly mind and he's more than willing to help when someone asks it of him. Sometimes, he'll try to do more than he's capable of and will get hurt as well. He has a tendency to whine a little, however, and any time he is hurt, he'll ham it up and be overly dramatic. As he's grown, he's learned caution and his curiosity is sometimes tempered with common sense, but he's still easily swayed into doing stupid things.

He really likes Lani, but the others are somewhat trying to keep them from being a pair because the two would never get OUT of trouble if they became a couple. Once he discovered his, he was hurt, but also made him realize maybe he should grow up a little bit more and be someone Lani could look up to and depend on.
History: Unfortunately, he was competing for Lani's affections with Makoto, so the two have a frenemy sort of relationship, but they're trying to not fight because Lani would be hurt. He also knows Makoto would kill him if they ever fought. For a long time, Radu didn't see that Savil was chasing *him*, but in the end she became so blunt he couldn't possibly miss her and managed to turn his affections to a female who actually cared for him back, leaving Makoto and Lani to one another. 

At some point, an old badger-like gran named Mangrove is found wounded and taken in by the pack's healers and tended to. He explains he was on a pilgramage he makes every year to refresh himself on how to be a good leader by taking in new ideas or seeing new sights in a different light. Healed enough he could move, Mangrove goes with the pack for a good while until he comes near his home territory and parts. Unfortunately for many in the Brotherhood who had come to like him, that would have meant parting. In the end, however, several end up going with Mangrove back to his pack, Savil and Radu both agree it would be better for him to leave due to his frenemy issues with Makoto.
Age: 17 years old
Mated to: n/a