Lüyun (Voicelines)




< Lüyun

Voice Over

Title Official Transcription
Hello... My name is Lüyun, I was born in Liyue, but it is a coincidence you happened to find me here. Or is it fate? *laugh* I had planned to join Beidou on her boat trip south tomorrow, but maybe I will stay with you a little longer.
Good Morning... Good morning, you are up early! Would you care to join me watching nature wake up? Look at the flowers opening up to catch the first sun rays.
Good Afternoon When the sun is at its peak, I always feel like taking a nap. Please excuse me…
Good Evening... The city is beautiful around this time, but you can see a lot outside, too. Would you like to accompany me for a walk? We might come across some crystalflies.
Good Night... You should get some rest. May you dream of wonderful things.
Chat: Hustle in the City The residents here are all so diligent, always on the move. I never bore of watching them.
Chat: Flowers Did you know that these Glaze Lilies used to be a common sight in Liyue, once? It’s a shame they are so rare now, but that just means you are lucky to see them today. Try singing to them.
Chat: Animals I think the dogs on the streets avoid me, because the fragrances I carry with me are too strong for them...
When it rains... It’s quite a downpour… The flowers will be happy.
After the rain... There is always a sense of departure after a heavy rain. It makes me want to get on the move too.
When it snows... This weather is perfect for Chongyun. Though it’s a little too cold for me personally.
When the wind is blowing... Can you smell the Glaze Lilies?
About Lüyun I feel most comfortable napping in a flower field.
About name At home I’m called “Nilou”. It is a rather common name from my parents’ hometown. If you hear it, think of me.
About the Vision... I wonder why my brother and I got different visions. If the gods gave them to us, there must be a reason, right?
About us: Commissions I used to do these together with Chongyun. The problems were always resolved as soon as we arrived at the places, so we felt bad taking money for them.
Something to share... There are many must-see places around the world! The cities of Fountaine, the icy peaks of Mondstadt’s Dragonspine… Though nowhere feels like home like the warm waters of Liyue.
Interesting things... Have you ever seen a Dandelion? They grow in Mondstand and the wind carries their seeds across all lands. They might make it all the way to Celestia! Isn’t that exciting?
About Akeno... < 3
About Zhudong... Twin brother
About Chongyun... (childhood friends - understands her best - admires him)
About Xingqiu... (mean side - antics - Victims of Xingqiu alliance with Chongyun)
About Yun Jin... (friends - Yun Jin likes to incorporate Lüyun’s travels in her plays, while Lüyun brings her souvenirs from other regions)
About Kazuha... [text]
About Xiangling... Xiangling’s cooking is a delight! I always find myself returning to the Wanmin Restaurant and ordering a round or two. She sometimes lets me try new creations that Xingqiu and Chongyun won’t touch… Ah, maybe I should stop by for another visit…
About Xinyan... [text]
About Dottore... [text]
About Zhongli... [text]
About Beidou... [text]
About Xiao... He seems as if he’s actively avoiding us, but I think he might just like to keep to himself. My friends are a bit of a rowdy bunch, so maybe I’ll have to try getting close to him when I meet him alone someday.
About Shen ai... [text]
About Amber... [text]
More about Lüyun I [text]
More about Lüyun II [text]
More about Lüyun III [text]
More about Lüyun IV [text]
More about Lüyun V [text]
Lüyun's hobbies... [text]
Lüyun's troubles... [text]
Favorite food... [text]
Least favorite food... [text]
Birthday... Happy Birthday! In commemoration of this special day, I tried to make you a cake. Please pay no mind to the terrible form. The ingredients? Oh, you would be surprised! Xiangling helped me create a most delightful combination of specialties I brought from all over Teyvat. Let’s see, you need Valberries, Lotus root…
Feelings about Ascension - Intro Huh? I feel stronger.
Feelings about Ascension - Building Up [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Climax [text]
Feelings about Ascension - Conclusion [text]

Battle and Exploration

Action Line
Elemental Skill text
Elemental Burst text
Idle text
Dash text
Damage text
Knocked Out text