Nautilus (HELD)'s Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

Snowish Global Rules

- Do not resell for more than bought, unless additional art is commissioned. 

- Please try to keep track of amount sold for in the transfer log. If requested, I will add the design's original worth in its specific TOS. 

- I'm not SUPER picky with people maintaining the whole "got as a trade, so only trading" chain so long as the design itself actually has a base worth, but if you do receive it in a trade, please know that you cannot accept any money over the base worth.

- Obviously the above note should only apply to designs you've had for a while, too, no instant resales. Check the transfer logs/creation date if you're looking to get one of my designs!

- Do not depict my feral animal and Pokemon designs in NSFW art

- No extra charge applies for commercial use, but credit is expected (Provide the site I am on, not just my username)

See the full TOS here