Fawn Rosalie



6 years, 7 months ago


Basic Info

name fawn lunara rosalie

nicknames luna, pup, puppy, love, darling

age 19

birthday october 27

gender amab neptunian nonbinary

pronouns he/him

height 5'1, 154cm

orientation homosexual, greyromantic

species hybrid (angel, monster)

breed  fox

race/nationality white, american

voice soft tenor, can be high-pitched and sweet

voice claim kelly rowland (singing)

work unemployed

Extended Info

cw: abuse, csa, gore, trauma, mutilation, self harm



fawn has a short, malnourished body that results from abuse from his parents. he is usually covered in bruises and other wounds, and he has plenty of old scars to show for his struggles against his dad. his bones are visible through his pale skin (anemia), but he is still somewhat muscular. he doesn't have a lot of fat on his body. freckles!!

he has long, unkempt black hair in an asymmetrical cut that covers most of his face. his eyes are bright blue with gold flecks, an odd color. 

he will wear whatever his mother gives him, which is usually quite rehealing and uncomfortable. 

he and his twin look almost nothing alike.


fawn has filled out a bit since meeting vash, so his bones are no longer as prominent. he still has bruises, but no fresh wounds. his scars have disappeared. still freckles!!

his hair is short and styled in a poofy mohawk cut. he cut his hair to make a statement against his parents. his pupils have taken on a target shape, but retain their original color. fawn's hair is now white

he wears more comfortable clothing now, provided by vash

beast mode

fawn's natural form is a large, white fox-like creature with massive white angel wings. its teeth are too large to fit entirely in its mouth. its eyes are completely blacked out, and its tail has a mouth with sharp teeth and a long black tongue. the beast has long pointed ears with a lot of fluff inside to shield from loud noises (they bother that specific breed). its front paws are larger than its back paws and they are equipped with razor sharp black claws.

its fur is very soft and fluffy as well.


he is paranoid and antisocial, preferring to stay away from strangers and large crowds. he would rather just stay with luce, his sibling. he doesn't like talking too much, but he can be loud if he is provoked into an argument. he is aggressive and has a lot of bottled anger that he takes out on trees in the backyard or by doing drugs. he suffers from depression, anxiety, paranoia, obsessive and compulsive tendencies, and mania. he has never seen a psychiatrist or taken prescribed medication, but he has borderline personality disorder and complex PTSD. 

fawn self-harms by cutting and hitting himself. he does his best to hide any wounds by wearing clothes to cover up or to just bandage it and move on. 

he has little to no social skills when it involves romance, as he was raised around strip clubs and bars- his mom is a stripper and a prostitute. he doesn't understand that you don't normally pay for a "good time", or that it's not the norm to smack someone on the ass like a sleazebag.

he is terrified of adult males, especially those with a beard. 


he was born illegally to an angel and a monster, along with his twin- Luce. his mother had them both in secret since they were forbidden to have the children. angels and demons are not supposed to procreate because the offspring's powers are too unstable and often kill the child in the womb or at birth. Freyr, a friend of Ellia- the mother, kept her hidden from the eyes of the kings of the realm of angels and the realm of monsters using his powers while Sariel- the father, fought off anyone who got too close. Sariel died protecting Fawn and Luce, and Ellia died about a week later, weak from giving birth to abnormal children. Freyr took the twins and found a family he knew he could trust, an old couple who never had kids but always wanted them. The couple was glad to take in the twins and raise them as their own.

Their joy didn't last, because, in the womb, fawn had been a monster and Luce an angel, but fawn had stolen Luce's powers/abilities like one would absorb a twin. This left Luce weak, and fawn a volatile infant with spikes of power (called aura) that eventually killed the old human couple, who couldn't handle the surges of such raw aura entering their bodies.

The old couple's niece found them within the next two days when she came to check on them, and by that time fawn's surges of aura had quieted down to the point where humans couldn't detect it. The niece didn't call the cops because she had drugs on her and was already selling her body illegally, so she couldn't afford to get into trouble. She just took the twins back to her boyfriend's house and told him what she saw. He didn't want to raise the twins because it would cost money but wanted to make her happy, so he agreed to keep the two little ones.

he grew up in an abusive household where Francis (Frank), his "father", would constantly beat him and Luce, but fawn would step in front of Luce to take the beating as much as he could. fawn didn't want it being hurt because he loved Luce too much. he felt hardwired to protect his sibling, even though it could take the abuse. their "mother", joy, a stripper and a prostitute who consistently brings home other men to get more money when Francis isn't around, loves the twins in her own twisted way. she will bring them both to the club and put them in the back room where fawn will get high and sometimes drunk, but luce will be the one to drive fawn and Joy back home (once it was old enough). he made friends with one of the strippers, Carly, who eventually overdosed on heroin in a back alley.

(tw: rape) joy brought home a guy one night and fell asleep after they finished. he woke up before she did the next morning and found fawn in his room asleep. he proceeded to grab fawn and have his way with the screaming child while joy kept sleeping in the other room. fawn was 10 years old at the time, still just young enough to not understand what was happening. luce had been taken with Frank to some place the previous day, which is why joy had brought someone else home. fawn still doesn't know where they went. he has blocked this memory out of his mind.

he met his friends at school, mostly


All monsters and angels have a power, but fawn's is the most unusual- it has never been seen before. he is essentially a portal to the afterlife. Since he is the only (recorded) child to have ever survived being the offspring of an angel and a monster, his friends think that it's a rare gift that only these hybrids can have. however, his power comes with a painful price. if there are there any souls who died in awful ways and cannot accept it, fawn must experience their death to help them pass through the gate. 

example: if a soul died by being skinned alive, fawn will enter a dream-like world and will basically hallucinate being skinned alive, helping the soul move on. the soul knows that someone else has shared its pain and understands, so they can pass through. he feels all the pain and emotions that the victim felt when being killed.  
