


6 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info

name vashkartun akkerman

nicknames vash, ash

age 23

birthday november 20

gender cis male

pronouns he/his

height 6'8, 203cm

orientation bisexual, biromantic

species monster

breed dire wolf (purebred)

race/nationality white, romanian

voice deep, gruff voice; can be very animated when he wants to be

voice claim dave wittenberg

work doesn't need a job

face claim jon risinger

Extended Info


human form

jet black (appears almost blue), fluffy hair (a lot of it) that is never tame

red iris, darker red pupil

very pale skin, never tans or sunburns

slender build, but still muscular 

wears dark clothing 

eyebrow piercing (left), snakebites, tongue stud, other piercings

beast form

large black wolf, about the size of a horse

red iris, darker red pupil

large claws and teeth

long tail, thick fur


vash is very reserved and doesn't share his feelings with others often. he prefers to be alone unless he's with fawn

he's a fucking asshole. don't talk to him

he likes to dress up in sexy clothes, mostly leather. they show off his muscles and he feels like a bad bitch. 


vash is a purebred monster, one of the rarest of its kind. purebreds are not very common nowadays because monsters and humans interbreed and "taint" bloodlines. 

purebred monsters thrive on blood 

vash fell in love with luna as soon as he saw him. he stalks luna until they meet naturally. 

he is obsessive over luna and overprotective because his beast has chosen luna as its mate.


he can control fire and necromancy. having two abilities is known only to exist in purebred monsters. Necromancy is an ability passed down through the akkerman line. Fire is something unique to vash.

necromancy involves raising the dead, summoning spirits, manipulating shadows, casting protective barriers, and anything related to magic. Magic users are incredibly rare, making vash a powerful being.