🧭 Cedar 🧭



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Cedarwing (mostly called Cedar or CiCi for short)

Age: 25 (But acts much younger)

Bio: Cedar is an adventurer, always seeking to discover something new or view the world from a higher place. Here favorite locations are typically mountains. She loves exploring the different cultures of humans, and learning their stories, celebrations, and most of all trying their foods. She mostly travels alone, but does let anyone who is also seeking adventure tag along. She can often be very rash, jumping into the unknown headfirst. She has bounds of energy to spare. She's quick on her feet (and wings), which gets her out of many situations she lands herself into. She's pretty sarcastic and witty, but still tries to be respectful. She loves a good time. And she's such a rebel she actually likes Beverly Soda. 

Outfit: *Still deciding* She may wear accessories from places she is visiting, such as flower crowns, shawls, headpieces, etc. She may also wear human clothes from time to time when visiting cities.

Would love a suit of her eventually!