⬤ Dubhán ⬤



2 years, 3 months ago


Basic Information
name Dubhán
title Duke of The Hunt
species Okamimimi
gender Genderless (he/him)
occupation Bounty hunter
location Altalune
Power Tactile Gravity & Imitation

As inextinguishable as a forest fire, my thirst for adventure persists, and so - I wander on, in search of new lands, new experiences...
And new reasons to never stop.





Due to the nature of experiments he undertook under Alice's watchful eye, his magic flows constantly through his body in order to keep it intact. Because of this, his abilities are far too many to catalogue properly. However, the main power he has and he uses most often is altering gravity of things he touches - or himself.

A monster of his own design.


Born to the north of Altalune, his first memories were of fire and blood. Stuck in a small village, with very few opportunities to entertain himself besides occasional fights, it didn't take him long to realise this is not what he wants of life - especially with his frail body. As a teenager, he picked up a few necessities and decided he will, from now on, live on road.

And so he did.

In order to survive, he took on any job he could find; using money earned to fund finding a cure for his condition. As time passed, he settled on becoming a bounty hunter, travelled from city to city, picking up all bounties he could find and asking all around for ways to make himself stronger. While he still remained somewhat of a glass canon, he grew stronger - especially as he incorporated magic into his fighting style.

At some point, he started joining large groups of hunters as a mercenary - fodder, in their eyes - and outdoing them, taking care of the job they were tasked with mostly by himself. That gave rise to a certain type of arrogance and thirst for challenge that laid dormant in him ever since he was a child - he kept seeking out stronger enemies, whether in a group or by himself, and at some point, he got defeated. However, as he noticed that the healer assigned to his group was in danger, he pushed himself beyond his limits and saved the healer's life, losing his consciousness in the process. When he woke up, his heart was only beating because the healer in question has struck a part of her horn in his heart, making sure it is beating - her power being control of organic matter and the horn being a main channel of it, she now had control over his life... To some extent.

That was how he met Alice, the one who would make him a better hunter - stronger and faster, not relying only on what he got at birth, but changing what the Fates have decided to give him. He was to hunt the beasts no one could bring down and bring her the parts he thought could be used for enhancing him - or for medicine, as she still worked as a travelling healer and pharmacist; and she was to put him together, restitch him and make him be born anew, again and again.

So, nowadays, he is most often found in the forests, chasing legends and myths of beasts unfindable and unbeatable - exploring the parts of realm no one dares step foot into. One could even categorize him as a treasure hunter... if he ever brought back any treasure besides new parts and stories.


At the first glance, one could tell that he is very confident and self-assured. Despite his (seemingly) carefree demeanour, he brings a lot of passion in anything he does - from exploring to fighting. His words are bold and blunt most of the time, but he knows when to make them sweet in order to get what he wants. He does it more often than not, as he's quite selfish and prefers to just do what he wants instead of, well - what needs to be done.

reckless self-assured eccentric

One of few people he's always honest with is Alice. Others get whichever version he sees they need. In some other world, he'd have potential to become a hero. In this one, he's just a selfish bastard... who sometimes does good.


His skin is pale pink - too close to the color of raw flesh to be comfortable; this uncomfortable sensation is slightly dulled my the way his features come together - he seems as if he is fully black and white in a world of color.
As the fur keeps him warm on the top, he wears clothes only on lower part of his body. While he does prefer to have his skin uncovered - any slashes and ruined clothes are just another annoyance to deal with - he tends to dress up in order to show his status. However, the status he shows off does not boil down to simple wealth: it also accounts for his prowess in battle - lack of any scars and, yet, changing body - and a sense of taste - for which, honestly, he counts on Alice.



friend, confidant & butcher

A rare breed of humanoid unicorn, she wields power beyond human understanding. It is simply called "manipulation of organic matter", but it is much more than that - Dubhán bein a living proof of that.
They met on one of missions she was sent on as an undercover military personnel of Altalune, while he was still not aware of her status. As their experiments progressed, he joined her and they are now forming a duo that is mainly sent on hitmen missions - with her to track him, and his multitude of abilities, they were a match made in heaven for such work.

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