Nobuyuki *



8 years, 9 months ago


Name: Nobuyuki (meaning truth and happiness) (nobu or Yuki for short) Age: 25 Hobby: Manager for Stalking Prey Likes: Determined people, granting wishes, Helping others, people messing/rubbing/scratching his ears Dislikes: People who give up easily, Broken dreams, People who ruin others dreams, people messing with his nose Personality: Serious, Playfull and flirty when drunk, Helpful, Embarresses easily and gets mad when it happens Special: closed species![wish keepers] Past: He was born from his own star with no memories of his life before his death. He worked hard bringing wishes to their wish makers going so far as to even help the wish makers achive their dream (if it wouldn't take so long. he wouldn't want to become a lost wish keeper) On the day he earned his wish he choose to stay a wish keeper instead of being granted to live again. Loving the feeling he got when he would pass on a wish to the wish maker and help them get their wish. Now that he is a six star wish keeper he has decided to focus more on the musicaly inclined wishes. Posing as a manager for music pop artist his current mission is to bring the star to kinhira and help him to achieve his wish to become one of the best pop idols of the century. He is also it talks with the higher levels to find and help some of the lost wish keepers while he is traveling.