
6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Drake S


Male (he/him)






Dollzone Snow


They Call Us Giants

Creation Date:

January 9th 2017

Arrival & Birthday:

January 18th 2022


Drake's a piece of work. He's abrasive and rude and makes it known that he isn't a fan of being around people. Afflicted with the same giant-ness as the other boys, it doesn't take much for him to drive people away. Most people already only humor him with some vain attempt at niceties because they're scared - his demeanor doesn't really encourage them.

He lives in a fairy tale world where weirdos like himself are not uncommon - they are the "main characters" of their own stories, and it's to be expected that they may not be the same once their tale is completed. However, having no recollection of his childhood, nor what caused his odd growth affliction, Drake is unable to register as a "main character" and so is regarded as a freak, an anomaly, and a threat. He spends his time living off the land and other people's pockets in an unfriendly forest.

Drake has lived his life alone and angry about it. He desperately wants any amount of affection and approval but like hell if he'll ever admit it.

Social Connections

Caspian - traveling companion and group leader; older cousin. really looks up to him
Rowe - traveling companion and childhood friend, has a bit of a rivalry-like distaste for him because he wants Caspian's attention instead of sharing
Lance - traveling companion and childhood friend
Adora - cousin, Caspian's deceased little sister. doesn't remember her even more than Caspian doesn't

World Context

Lore coming eventually?

> 8' 7" but still has a ways to go if the other boys are any indication
> left-handed

> WIP trivia <3

> none of note yet

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Primary Notes
> hair is bi-colored; im working on it irl lol :') like this
> creamy white eyelashes and eyebrows
> has permanent dark shadows under his eyes that always incorporate a red streak

> wears assorted gothy outfits
> irl black zebra gemstone necklace is correct. please dont use the red version <3

Other Stuff
> exceptionally tall and leggy. a bit scrawny
> technically, his appearance is not set in stone - havent gotten used to his irl features yet and he isnt complete!! we'll see!!!!

Full of himself in a defiant teenage way. Argumentative and unwilling to back down, but lacks true confidence as opposed to a social defensive mechanism