#5155 Calcifer



2 years, 1 month ago


[ Calcifer ]

Current GP: 46
Lifetime GP: 46

Player Profile
GP Tracker

biome  . Plains
boundary  . Lavender Field
origin  . Traveler
nature  . Proud
size  . Elegant
species  . esk
collection  . MYO
designer  . LettersofSky
uncommon traits  . Stripes, Socks
rare traits  . none
nature features  . Lavender
familiars  . Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) (small)

{ About }

GH - Vetru's Scorched Plain: Trapped by Wildfires

Calcifer is a very prideful individual, finding great strength and comfort in their own abilities and purpose within their boundary and their role as an esk tending to the field that'd once been ravished by fire. He holds himself and those that do their best to care for the plains biome in the highest regard and those that disregard or poke fun at him irritate him to no end.

Calcifer tends to stay within the plains biome at all times, either in his boundary or within the biome as a whole, preferring to remain where he feels he's needed over venturing into the biome of the other Wanderers or even to the Conservatory. He feels responsible for his home and thankful to Vetru, despite the Wanderer being an unwilling participant in the fire that had originally destroyed the field and trapped him, for transforming and teaching him in those initial days when he and his home were still recovering from the blaze that destroyed it.

He enjoys the company of others and is always happy to meet a new face, show them around his home and send them safely on their way when they leave. When he's on his own he has his tortoiseshell familiar to keep him company, the butterfly's name is Delilah and can often be seen fluttering around his nature feature.

{ Backstory }

Before Calcifer was an esk he was a small creature of the woods, though he has trouble remembering what exactly. He thinks he was a shrew perhaps? Though his memory isn't as reliable before the point of the fire and the start of his second life.

Calcifer's first memories are of fire and heat, raging, running rampent through his home and destroying everything in it's wake. He remembered being trapped, cut off, unable to escape. He remembered Vetru coming to him then. Flames parting before the great Wanderer as they approached him, granting him refuge and safety from the flames towering around them.

As an esk Vetru stayed with him until the flowers that had been burned and eaten away by fire had started to grow back again and the animals started to return to their homes, secure in their safety there. He found himself enjoying the company of the Wanderer, learning what he could from them and how to tend to and look after his boundary. When it was time for Vetru to leave he gave them a fond and heartfelt farewell, wishing them well on their way.


{ Boundary }

Lavender Field - A field of wild lavender once ravaged by a disaterous fire but now growing back to it's original state.


{ Origin }

Calcifer takes great pride in his existence as an esk, finding joy and contentment in his abilities and purpose as a protector and caretaker for not only his boundary but the plains biome as a whole after he was rescued and transformed by Vetru.

He greatly respects the plains Wanderer after the time they spent with him when he was first transformed and grieving both his former life and the harm done by the fires that had ravaged it. Once the Wanderer left on their continuous journey through the biome Calcifer took it upon himself to continue their work healing the plains from the disastrous storm that had torn through it, ready and prepared to heal it once more when the storms next struck the biome.

{ Nature Features }


{ Familiars }

Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) - a small butterfly that's never too far from Calcifer's side


{ Enchantments, Blessings & Curses }

What - Name

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{ Trinkets • Achievements }







{ Notes }

Gift Art and Writing is welcome!

Esk are spirits/ghosts and have no mouth nor eyelids and three toes. They are completely non-corporeal.
Lavender is not present outside of plains environments
Butterfly familiar does not have to be depicted! And does not manifest outside of plains environments

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