♚ Sativa



6 years, 4 months ago


I can be SWEET but I can also knock out your TEETH.
- Sativa

 ★ Sativa

May 16th
Nov. 2017
$20 million

Fun fact: Sativa is a character I view as myself. She's pretty weird and doesn't take bullcrap from anyone, but also has anxiety to a severe extent. She can't decide whether she wants to be a hippie or a punk, so she kind of falls on the in betweens of both. She loves her husband to the ends of the earth, and aspires to live her life to fullest.

Sativa is pretty chill. She is mostly kept to herself and minds her own business. She's someone you can trust with your life, but also someone you don't want to screw over. While she is forgiving, it's hard to earn her full trust, and if you breach it once, it may be impossible to fully gain it again. She loves life, and tries to make the most of it, and if someone tries to get in the way of that, she's sure to get her piece in. She fills her life with music and nature, which are two very important things in her life.

Sativa can be pretty weird, and sometimes super loud. She also has abnormal fears, likes, and dislikes. She has many different hobbies, and loves to keep herself busy. She doesn't have many friends, nor does she feel the need for many. She gets anxiety from parties or crowded areas. Unless she is with a trust friend, she tends to stay away from social invites. She always tries to remain kind, but socializing, just isn't her thing. She would rather be out and about with her boo.

Sativa also occasionally struggles with her appearance. She is often insecure about her size and her flaws. While she does struggle with her insecurity, she often brushes it off and does her best to main a self-love attitude. She often likes to dress up and create new outfits, she can essentially match any aesthetic. All in all, Sativa is a pretty laid back chick who lives her life how she wants to live it along side her supportive husband. Together they plan to rock their own worlds.

★ Not your pet ★


- Snakes
- Heights
- Colors
- Fruit

-Stuffed animals
- Music
- Insects
- Flowers, Nature
- Art
- Animals


- Walking alone
- Cops
- Bicycles
- Small, enclosed spaces
- Onions, Ketchup
- Soda
- Phone calls
- Chocolate
- People


  •  Hair :  Shoulder blade length, Light pink, usually up.
  •  Eyes :  Gradiant blue, heart shaped pupils OR normal green pupils
  •  Body :  Short, skinny, curvy.
  •  Markings :  Small heart above breasts, tribal-ish tattoo below breasts, Striped tattoo on right upper arm. Freckles cover body.

Sativa's style is pretty rad. She either is wearing something super groovy, or totally alt. She almost always has her pink/purple fading sunglasses on or at least with her, and she almost always has her hair up. She LOVES hoodies, anything tye-dye, and choker necklaces. She also loves band T-shirts and ripped jeans. She almost never wears shoes and sometimes when she does wear socks, they're mostly miss matched.

She is only 5'3", and only 110 pounds. She's small, but a complimentary small. She loves piercings and is wearing hers all the time. She has an obsession with jewelry and accessories, and seriously, loves her sunglasses.
