$7 // Hecate



6 years, 4 months ago


She would be apart of a bandit pair alongside my character Amir. She would be the foil for Amir, keeping her calm or prevent her from scaring a poor soul. She's a bit listless and doesn't show her expressions often, but she is known for making a scary face whenever she's in the heat of a moment. She's keen when it comes to the intention of others, never quite the one to fall for easily tricks and even goes out of her way to sometimes shut down the actions of others when she doesn't agree with it. Though Amir is indefinitely vain and works toward personal gain, Fleera is a moral person, but follows Amir anyways. (I think their relation would be that they're childhood friends in which Fleera is forced to follow as to make sure Amir doesn't go and get herself killed.)