Lore & Visual Guides [CS]



2 years, 1 month ago


The Drabun Species

Drabuns are a casual closed species created by Rapirisu.
Currently, only the creator is permitted to designing Drabuns. However, there will be MYO sales/events eventually and possibly guest designers some day!

Drabun Lore & History:

Drabuns are a generally peaceful, magical species of dragons. They exhibit rabbit-like features, such as rabbit noses and long ears, as well as oftentimes being observed hopping rather than walking.
While they are incapable of producing words and therefore cannot speak human or other verbal languages, Drabuns are of equal intelligence to humans and similar species. They primarily communicate with intricate body language and sounds most other species cannot hear, but they are also able to telepathically communicate with each other as long as they are in possession of their orbs.
Skittish by nature, they are rarely seen fighting and usually solve conflicts by communication or fleeing. However, combative Drabuns have been sighted more and more often, usually featuring prominent fangs and claws. These Drabuns are most often observed by themselves, while other Drabuns generally live in packs of ten to fifty individuals.
As social creatures, their kind grows quite old within packs and healthy individuals take care of any young, elderly, or disabled members of their pack. It is not rare for a Drabun to grow hundreds of years old.
They are usually happy living in intricate burrows or caves, including all necessities such as comfortable beds or nests, structures akin to closets and chests to store all kinds of items, and many other things reminiscent of what human and other species are familiar with. However, Drabuns are also capable of building simple, house-like structures when desired.

Every Drabun is in possession of a mysterious orb, which matches their overall color palette and is usually floating around its owner or being carried. These orbs seem to have swirling liquid or fog on the inside. When this orb is removed, the Drabun grows weak until it enters a state of hibernation, during which it produces a new orb made from its own magic. Extremely rarely will a Drabun be in possession of multiple identical orbs due to losing and regaining the original orb after having created new ones.
It is not beneficial for a Drabun to own more than one orb, as multiple orbs mean more chances of losing one and getting weak—even if the Drabun still owns multiple others, the effect of losing one is always the same.
Some speculate the orb regulates the magic of a Drabun, keeping it in a healthy, safe balance. Following this theory, some belief a Drabun without its orb is incredibly powerful and able to use magic far beyond its normal power level until it falls into hibernation. So far, no Drabun has been observed acting more aggressive than normal and they usually use the time before hibernation to frantically search for their original orb—so this theory remains just that; a theory.

In the past, Drabun orbs were quite valuable on the market, as cracking them and inhaling or drinking the substance inside was said to enhance one's own magical abilities. There has never been a reported case of successfully cracking open a Drabun orb however, and eventually the peaceful Drabun species was driven to aggression by the constant threat of other species' attempting to steal their orbs. Thankfully, the fighting did not last long and stealing and selling Drabun orbs had swiftly been outlawed—still it is possible to find Drabun orbs on the black market and Drabuns remain hostile when one shows too much interest in their orbs.
Despite the threats and conflicts with other species, Drabuns are curious and enjoy friendships with non Drabun. Many of them have learned written language to overcome the language barriers with other species—however, many non Drabun consider the handwriting of a Drabun quite difficult to decipher and they may need time to adjust to the 'written accent' of their draconic new friend.

When it comes to reproduction, Drabuns mate asexually and do so rather rarely. Drabun offspring is formed by the parents combining their magic and forming an orb of mixed colors—genders of the parents don't matter for this process, any Drabun pair can reproduce. The only reported times a Drabun orb cracks is during this process and a Drabun hatches. The liquid or fog inside the Drabun egg is absorb by the young before hatching and used to produce the baby Drabun's very own orb.

Drabun Anatomy:

Drabuns have sturdy bodies with long necks and tails, as well as strong hindlegs and smaller front paws and are capable of short bipedal walks. They are a carnivorous species, but most Drabuns do not exhibit particularly long fangs or claws and prefer small prey like mice, birds, lizards, and the like. Their eyes are somewhat large compared to other species and they possess excellent eyesight, both at day and night. With their large ears, they also excel when it comes to hearing, but their sense of smell is rather poor and close to that of a human.

There is a large variety of individual traits that make every Drabun look unique:

  • Long to short ears, as well as standing or flop ears
  • Long to short horns, as well as multiple horns and the extremely rare case of forked horns
  • Color palette usually consists of around five colors. Colors range from natural to colorful, but no eyeburner saturation
  • Markings are commonly simple and natural, but symbols and complex shapes are rarely possible as well
  • They always exhibit a face mask marking, though shape and how much face is covered varies
  • They always exhibit a darker or lighter line from their heads down to the tip of their tails
  • Short fur with slightly longer fur at the tip of the tail and along the back. Manes are very rarely possible as well

Drabun Magic & Abilities:

As a magical species of dragons, Drabuns are capable of impressive displays of magic. Each Drabun is born with an affinity for a specific element or similar, but they are capable of learning almost any magic.
There are abilities that any Drabun possesses, such as Telekinesis and Telepathy.
While not an aggressive species, any Drabun is capable of using offensive magic. Most naturally, their elemental magic comes easiest to them, such as lightning bolts or spitting fire to a lightning or fire aligned Drabun respectively, but even a water aligned Drabun can learn fire magic—however, such is difficult to accomplish and generally unusual.
Drabuns are not capable of flight, however their Telekinesis can, if trained enough, make it possible for them to float for a limited and varying amount of time.

While very rare, there have been cases of corrupted Drabuns, who participated in or were exposed to dark magic or similar. There are varying reasons a Drabun may become corrupted, but there is no reason to fear Drabuns as a whole as they are not more or less likely to become corrupted as any other species.

Examples of Elements and similar:

● Water, Fire, Earth, Wind
● Lightning, Arcane, Ice, Shadow, Light, Steel
● Gems, Auroras, Moon, Comet
● Sun, Planets
● Black hole, Nebula, Gravity
 ... and more!

Generally, abilities within their aligned element are considered common, while abilities associated with a different element are considered unusual or rare.
For example:
Illusion magic is a shadow aligned ability.
Therefore, illusion magic is considered common for the unusual shadow aligned Drabun.
However, illusion magic is considered uncommon for the common water aligned Drabun or the unusual ice aligned Drabun and so on.

Author's note:
Creativity is strongly encouraged when thinking about what abilities could be associated with which element and I will slowly work on a list of confirmed abilities as I think of them!

Drabun Rarities:

THIS WILL BE OVERWORKED since I made it way too complicated in my first attempt.

Drabun rarity is determined by their traits and element. More unusual or rare features make the Drabun overall rarer.
Here is a general* rundown:

● Common || ★ (1)

0-1 unusual features
No rare features
No mystical features

● Common || ★★ (2)

At least 1 more common than unusual feature
No rare features
No mystical features

● Unusual || ★★★ (3)

At least 1 more unusual than common features
No rare features
No mystical features

● Unusual || ★★★★ (4)

At least 2 more unusual than common features
0-1 rare features
No mystical features

● Very unusual || ★★★★★ (5)

0-2 common features
At least 3 more unusual than common features
0-1 rare features
No mystical features

● Rare || ★★★★★★ (6)

No common features (not counting learned magic)
1-2 rare features
No mystical features

● Rare || ★★★★★★★ (7)

No common features (not counting learned magic)
At least 3 more rare than unusual features
No mystical features

● Very rare || ★★★★★★★ (8)

No common features (not counting learned magic)
1-2 unusual features
0-1 mystical feature

● Mystical || ★★★★★★★★★ (9)

No common features (not counting learned magic)
1-2 unusual features
2-3 mystical features

● Legendary || ★★★★★★★★★★ (10)

No common features (not counting learned magic)
No unusual features
Unlimited mystical features

*These are general guidelines and deviations can occur.