54$'s Comments

Are they still ufs


HIII ANY1 IN MY TH outside of special & sonas/mascot 

Hihi I didn’t see anyone but thank you!

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AGH i do like kyun but that's the only one i like and im not sure if you'd do them since they have so much art   

but ofc if you can't do Kyun i will 100% let you know if i take resale in the future 

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yea does anyone here interest you if not no worries  https://toyhou.se/Floopy/characters/folder:2888035

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Sorry for taking so long 😭

I can do https://toyhou.se/22700149.tbn I can add on another character from here too https://toyhou.se/Floopy/characters/folder:3629090 since they weren’t your first pick out of the 3

lemme know when youve thought it through no worries if you changed your mind ^^

1 Replies

Sorry for the ping I’m selling him now

hiya!! anyone in my th of interest??

So sorry for taking so long to respond, I didn’t see anyone though so sorry!

hey if ur ever willing to sell them, pls hmu !!!

Ofc I’ll let you know if I do 

Sorry for the ping he’s ufs now

awa hii I’d like to offer

do u see anyone in my th? only pip is offlims

Ahh you have such cute characters 😭

I didn’t see anyone I’d be willing to trade cherib for unfortunately but ty for the offer ^^

it’s okk ty for looking^^ just curious do u see anyone in my th for mogu mogu? (Or takeshi)

I am kinda interested in getting a dainty myo if those are ufo at all? I could offer mogu along with a full body drawing of her ^^ (or any character you’d be interested in getting art for)

Is he a flat sale for 25$ ?


Could I buy them than!

Sure! I’ll dm you my PayPal.

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