[TBN] wily jǫrmunalfr



2 years, 1 month ago


A wily and clever celestial warrior, jǫrmunalfr hero and inveterate trickster. He is surprisingly thoughtful and is always coming up with brilliant strategems to advance the war against the demonic heiyao.

Although he can take on the majestic visage that is his intrinsic right as a jǫrmunalfr, he prefers to use his preternatural skill at shapeshifting to manifest in more humble form—often as a being very similar in appearance to any of the various types of Ensouled Folk. Even as such a creature he is a formidable opponent, wielding both vast strength and heavenly lishu against those who threaten him or those he cares most deeply about. More important than his fighting prowess, though, is his ability to lay the groundwork for his various schemes, mislead and confound the heiyao, and pry forbidden knowledge from their clutches without arousing their suspicions.

He has a particular affinity for the great expanses within both the physical universe as well as the Lower Heavens. More than once has he raised grand fleets of starships with the help of his followers, commanding them in battle to oppose whatever monstrous goals the heiyao are trying to bring to fruition. His power allows him to bring to bear fleets and warships in ways that even the most powerful mortal admirals or War-Navigators can only dream of, smashing through the ranks of the enemy so that he may destroy their archdemon leaders.

Such is his renown over the ages that the naval academies of countless First-Awoken civilizations are graced by statues, carvings, or artwork depicting him. Superstitious spacers consider him a patron of sorts, and the cruder among their number have coined a number of oaths and profanities at his expense.