


2 years, 24 days ago



Name bergamot
Age adult (may 20)
Gender transmasc
Pronouns he/they, it/its
Sexuality queer
Species raccoon dog, plant creature
Body Type variable and chubby

warm-hearted / companionable / investigative / hard-working / introverted / emotional / calm

bergamot is a raccoon dog whose able to transform into a plant creature at will! though he usually maintains his anthro form, he enjoys transforming for forays into the nearby wilderness. his anthro form smells like damp, rich soil, while his plant form smells like whatever its head is made out of at the time. they live generally alone, but do have some good friends who they invite over from time to time.

<3 being surrounded by nature, lush foliage, foraging, gardening, knitting, embroidery, quiet places, spending time with good friends, big quilts, cozy clothing, thick fabrics, having alone time, autumn, drying flowers and herbs for decoration, collecting trinkets, rainbows, colorful clouds in the evening, looking at the moon, keeping track of natural phenomena, journalling, scented candles, fragrant soaps, walking around shirtless

they live in a big house in the woods - it contains wooden architecture, colorful tiles, a big porch, vintage furniture, a screen door, big windows with flowy curtains, electic decor, and indoor plants. the yard is unmowed with several trees and wildflowers. behind their house is a big garden [fruits, vegetables, & herbs] and a chicken coop [wyandottes, brahmas, & speckled sussex]. birdhouses and feeders adorn the property in front and back.

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