

2 years, 1 month ago


anastasia | anna-banana | she/her

21304769_m6tsXVlWZfmC1ob.gif?158624934325904561_QHQnXYlwAMxj6Le.gifanastasia is inspired off of anne boonchuy from amphibia!

anastasia may be the only one of the trio who doesn't run headfirst into bullshit on a daily basis. she remains the coolest in dire situations and is an excellent problem solver, though she lacks quite a bit of common sense. anastasia is the most social of the three and will often have to stop sashy from hurting others and help mar-mar with her social anxiety. she loves her girlfriends to bits and will go calamity on anyone who tries to hurt them.

anastasia found a small frog on one of her adventures in the earth realm - she has named it sprout and always says hello to him whenever the three come back to earth. she's too scared to take him on adventures tho. he's just a lil guy after all


Mar-Mar, Sashy and Anastasia are three space warriors that travel through alternate universes and defeating the same villain every time but with a slight alteration. When time permits, they go to Earth and vibe there until duty calls again! They are girlfriends and enjoy snuggles and watching movies together πŸ₯°

Please kindly do not report these characters! Their designs are lightly inspired by Amphibias character designs however they have their own original designs and lore. Although they share similar names, I am doing my best to make these characters as original as possible! Their designers worked hard on their designs so please do not put all their hard work in vain!