Vega Calbeson Young



6 years, 4 months ago


- VEGA -


FULL NAME Vega Calebson Young
NICKNAME(S) Vegeta, Vegatarian, V-Bucks, Veggie, Veg
AGE 19
STAR SIGN Capricorn
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id orci sit amet arcu posuere ultrices vel pulvinar justo. Suspendisse placerat augue vitae massa consectetur tincidunt. Duis interdum arcu nibh, nec efficitur neque blandit nec. Donec at dictum arcu. Sed pharetra urna augue, eget facilisis magna malesuada in. Sed in turpis vel sem pretium dapibus ullamcorper nec lorem. Phasellus fringilla turpis et accumsan facilisis. Etiam dictum vel tortor quis lacinia. Morbi porttitor convallis enim, a auctor elit gravida ac. Phasellus eget arcu eu urna mollis finibus vitae quis ex. Curabitur gravida mi orci, ac feugiat quam accumsan nec. Aenean lacinia vehicula leo sed pellentesque. Ut vestibulum porta diam non gravida. Nulla consequat eu urna ut commodo. Nulla in augue ut ipsum tempus egestas. Mauris porta sapien facilisis turpis vehicula, eu convallis purus rutrum.

Aliquam varius accumsan lectus id molestie. Pellentesque dolor sem, molestie at sodales nec, feugiat sit amet tellus. Nullam pellentesque felis id justo pulvinar euismod. Donec in lacinia metus. Etiam orci nibh, cursus vitae fringilla dapibus, tincidunt ut orci. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla commodo massa vitae convallis congue. Aenean purus urna, dictum vitae quam sit amet, accumsan ullamcorper libero. Donec sed lorem semper, volutpat felis id, efficitur elit. Nunc congue et dui sed hendrerit. Mauris varius augue ut lacus condimentum fermentum.


 P L A Y 

  • Built in the 80s - Griffinilla
  • SONG
  • SONG
  • SONG
  • SONG
  • SONG


A senior in highschool, Vega is a transfer student who's become one of Rev's best friends. Rev knows the truth about Vega, with him being an alien, but he's the only one who knows! To everyone else, Vega is just the local jock who loves to make his own rules. He's made a bad reputation for the school's football team, but if anyone blames him they somehow mysteriously disappear... how strange.

  • Vega claims to come from Boston, and he has a somewhat Boston accent, but he seems to know nothing about Boston.
  • His favorite snapchat filter is a custom filter with dancing anime girls. Everyone judges him for it.
  • Has a custom motorcycle that's decorated with emo hello kitty decals that look like they were torn from 2009.
  • If he eats an ice pop or something that dyes his tongue temporarily, his tongue will glow that color in the dark.
  • He values youtube poops like they're an artifact from a time long gone.
  • Has a tumblr that exists just so he can reblog memes

Character belongs to solarqueen  •    Designed by steamyy
Art by steamyy  •    HTML by Jayden   •    Layout Design by Spider


2356370? Rev

Best Friends • I'VE GOT NO FRIENDS - shittyflute
Rev is one of Vega's best friends, they both share a similar sense of humor, and Rev was one of the first people to introduce Vega to the school and the people in it. Rev also encouraged Vega to join the football team, which went extremely well surprisingly. In the bad end of the story, Vega is one of the only people to survive thanks to his close relationship with Rev.
2358092? William

Adoptive Sibling • Sorry About your Parents - Icon For Hire
When Vega first met William, William was in a very bad place, and even though Vega was from a different planet, he knew that he couldn't see someone like that being hurt by his parents. Vega used his skills in rule-breaking and manufacturing false documents to make it seem that Vega's ""parents"" had adopted William, and while the adoption was fake, Vega still treats the nervous soul like an actual brother.
1615009? Cyril

Boss/Rival • The Devil - Choral Vocal
Cyril and Vega seem to be at-odds with eachother, both being aliens that have transferred to the school- except with Cyril being a Junior and not a Senior. Cyril has also gotten a job as the manager at an animal care center where Vega works, and both of them always seem to give eachother nasty looks when they pass eachother, but Cyril actually wins every time, after all- the manager is above the employee.