Isashi Lusiya



2 years, 7 days ago


Isashi Lusiya

Panic Lesbian • Silhouette of the Century • Impractical Fashion is Superior Fashion

Isashi Lusiya
6 Sweeps (13ish)
Demigirl (She/They)
Troll (Bronzeblood)
Sylph of Life
-probably puts. too much punctuation,!

"well, of COURSE. the garment is restrictive. um. how else! am i, supposed-to get this; perfect hourglass, shape...?"

If nothing else, it's absolutely undeniable that Isashi's got an excellent sense of style. Though she certainly doesn't have the best lot in life as a bronzeblood living on Alternia, she puts together her sewing and styling skills with whatever's in her wardrobe to create looks that seem to almost defy the very logic of reality. She puts a lot of thought into the concept and construction of her outfits, and is always willing to take a piece apart in order to enhance another. Hey, all's fair in love and fashion, darling!

That all being said, Isashi's got a secret: most of their constructions are actually dirt cheap. That's not to say that they aren't well made- quite the contrary, in fact- but because of Isashi's resourcefulness, they're often able to create costumes out of re- or upcycled materials they're able to scavange from the Alternian landscape (that is to say, anything discarded on city streets is 100% fair game). Still, couture is couture, and Isashi's constantly working to make sure that her work is up to standard. She could hardly call herself a good seamstress otherwise!



Isashi is a fun and bright individual who's mouth and hands unfortunately tend to run faster than her brain. She's a young master of creation and an expert seamstress, but still has a lot to work on when it comes to being a normal troll living in society. Though she's committed to her passion, her social position has meant that she's had to learn how to be crafty in order to meet the high standards she's set for herself and continues to put higher with every passing milestone she crosses.

Isashi's hands are known for always moving. Whether it be because they're deftly hand stitching, moving in and out of her pockets, or just fidgeting with her brooch, she can never seem to keep completely calm. If you ask her about it, she'll say it's because she's thinking of all there is left to do, which is seemingly everything all the time. Maybe one day she'll find a way to stay her hands, but until then, they'll continue their everlasting dance of creation.


JUDGE, JURY, EXECUTIONER: Isashi is often the model for her own creations. As such, she knows her body like no one else. Off the top of her head, she knows which measurements, patterns, and silhouettes will flatter her best and can make a complete and befitting garment without needing to reference any of the aforementioned things. Isashi, being a workhorse, will also refuse to finish working until whatever task she's set for herself is done perfectly, meaning that you're sure to get a quality product every time.

COSTUME CRUNCH: Since Isashi doesn't always have reliable access to the best materials, she often just has to make do with what she has. As such, she's gotted very adept at making garments and materials for embellishment out of anything she can find lying around on the streets, or made from scraps taken from bodies lying around the city. Hey, it's not like they're really going to need it anymore, right? And if it looks good, then who cares?!


  • Isashi's favorite fabric is velvet (even though it's hard to work with), but she can't currently afford enough to make her dream outfit.
  • She's constantly cold, so she designs her outfits to have lots of layers.
  • The most common way that Isashi acquires her rarest materials is through trades or commissions. She maintains a number of regular clients and posts her work on social media.
  • Isashi wears a corset far more often than not.
  • They refuse to design or make an outfit without any pockets somewhere- it's simply just not practical!



Fythia Macela [ Moirail ]

Fythia and Isashi have a long and storied history with each other. 'Close' is an understatement; Isashi is probably the only troll left on Alternia that is actually allowed to read Fythia's work.


Tadjia Karmos [ Work Besties ]

Tadjia and Isashi became fast friends from day one. They often help each other out with social media, with Isashi supplying outfit and composition assistance, and Tadjia on camerawork.

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