nebulus's Comments

Hello! Are you only looking for money for them or would you consider something else? Unfortunately I can’t offer money :( Thanks!

I'll be pretty tentative, but i can possibly look at art/characters. at the moment money is a priority, but like i said, im happy to possibly entertain other offers!

ooo ok! does anyone in my th(except for valkyrie and the runic and allium are on cd) interest you? i would be willing to do multiples or add on art/art alone! thanks!!

i absolutely adored these two, im not exactly sure what the runic or allium are, but i dont think that these two are those? correct me if im wrong of course! Trading both would definitely be an AB for me though

don’t worry those aren’t the runic and allium! i would be willing to do those guys but i offer them on another character so ill check in with that person and if they decline i would be up for trading!

hello! that person decided to go with another offer so if you’re interested in driftwood and zephyr, i’ll send them over! ^^

i am absolutely still interested!

3 Replies

I'm happy to purchase! I get paid tonight so i can pay then if that's alright

works for me! Ill send a dm!