Cassiopeia (Aphex)



1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


$ 30

Commissioned Art

$ 20


MYO token


Cassiopeia the Devil's Guardian
May 26th
112 cm
Eldritch Witch
  • Alchemy
  • Crystals
  • Magic
  • Mushrooms
  • Water
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
  • Unknown
Fun Facts

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown.

- H.P. Lovecraft


WARNING: Dangerous. Stay cautious at all times. Do not turn your back or blink. Remain calm and slowly back away. Running is futile and will only bring further trouble.


Base Aphex

Base Lockey



+ 4 Level Up


+ 1 Level Up

+ 3 The Swan's Crest


+ 2 Level Up

+ 5 Darkwood Totem

+ 2 Jade Pendant

+ 5 Occult Wishbone

+ 3 Relic of the Glass Desert


+ 4 Level Up


+ 1 Level Up

+ 3 Occult Wishbone

Darkwood Totem Alert Affliction

Gives the user the ability to replicate any creature it makes eye contact with. This includes any living creature, however, they do not receive that creature's powers, only their form.

Enchanted Black Rose Alert Affliction

Gives the user any type of black halo, can float. This halo gives the user the ability to leech "life" from others. This does not kill them but leaves them in a weakened state.

Magic Mirage Alert Affliction

Allows a second form to apply traits to. The method in which the character turns into this form is up to the user etc transformation at night, touching water, at will etc.

This Aphex has a misty bird-like companion that never leaves their side. If the Aphex dies or is injured this companion can always heal them back to full health. If the companion dies, the Aphex can not be revived upon death.

Pearlescent Scale Alert Affliction

Allows the user to have a second "Sea Glider" form when the user comes in contact with water.

Sacred Blue Datura Alert Affliction

Gives the Aphex the ability to draw energy from the moonlight as opposed to sunlight. They can also manipulate their stored moonlight into a physical form. This allows them to create objects based on the amount of moonlight they have collected and stored in their bodies. These objects can range from weapons to vehicles but nothing detrimental.

The Swan's Crest Alert Affliction

The user's hands are cursed with the ability to turn living beings into a Black Kyanite. Gloves and fabrics can cancel out this touch, as the skin must make contact directly with the skin of the being.

Grants the title The Devil's Guardian.

Twisted Padlock Alert Affliction

Gives the ability to control chains either summoned or part of the character. These chains are metal and of any colour, the ends can have hooks, points, or any metal ornament/weapon.

Flower Puppet Critical Affliction

Allows the user to control others for short amounts of time if the user has had the victim touch the doll before the flower on the doll dies. This only works on one person at a time. Every time the user wishes to control another victim they must tie a flower to the dolls head. Once the flower withers once more, the victim can no longer be controlled until the process is repeated.

Occult Wishbone Critical Affliction

Gives the ability to communicate with the dead.

Gives the ability to conjure demons and shadow companions.

Gives the ability travel into the shadow plane.

Relic of the Glass Desert Critical Affliction

A gift bestowed by the King of Glass, this affliction allows the user to breathe fire of any colour. The user also gains scales over the throat. These scales glow when the user creates fire. This fire can be controlled to be hot enough to melt metal instantly, or cool enough to touch.

Gecko Pads Special Item

Grants species with sticky/gecko pads on their hands/feet. This can allow them to stick to surfaces.

Night Vision Special Item

Grants species with the ability to see perfectly in the dark.

Poison Saliva Special Item

Grants species with saliva that can cause infection or sickness when in contact with skin or injected in the bloodstream. Can be lethal in large doses.

Poison Skin Special Item

Grants species with skin that can secrete poison. Can cause lethargy, hallucinations, sickness, or death.

Raptor Claw Special Item

Grants species with an extra dew claw on the heel that is extended to hold onto surfaces.

Winter Coat Special Item

Grants species with an alternative coat for winter.

Blacklight Mask Tame Affliction

Grants an Alt palette of a single form (only) in a blacklight version.

Dazzled Cloth Tame Affliction

Allows cloth growth on the character.

Dreamcatcher Tame Affliction

Gives the ability to read others' dreams as they are asleep. These dreams can also be affected slightly to be negative or positive.

Jade Pendant Tame Affliction

Grants 2 magic points.


Level 20


Event Achievement

A Descendant Achievement

Your character must possess a permanent affliction of alert class or higher.

Loved Achievement

Your character must have 5 or more artworks.

Draw your character interacting with their favorite pet.

The Dark Arts Achievement

Your character must own (3) different types of relics/removable/item afflictions.


Unknown Pocket Pet Companion


Unknown Pocket Pet Companion

To Be Equipped.

Unknown Pocket Pet Companion

To Be Equipped.

Unknown Pocket Pet Companion

To Be Equipped.

Romantic Interest

Acquaintance Interest