


1 year, 10 months ago


An amphibious dragon that can occasionally be found basking in the local tidepools. Has laid multiple clutches of eggs during her 300+ lifespan; her young can be found in the vicinity, though it will take over 100 years for them to reach maturity. She will aggressively chase away anyone who threatens her spawn. She is considered a minor deity by the islanders who frequently visit to offer her tributes from the sea, hoping to gain bountiful fishing hauls or to ask for protection from storms while at out sea. Even so she does not allow humans to get too close and so offerings tend to be left at a safe distance. The islanders are not put off by her wild nature, seeing it as natural for one who came from the sea.

If a human gets too close she will puff out her chest and hiss. Also known to slap the water with her large tail as a warning to anyone who draws too close. Only the very bravest would dare find out what happens next. Her bite contains a mild toxin which while not life-threatening to a human is still quite painful to experience first hand.

Compared to land-dwelling dragons, Tidebreaker has a more feral nature. Her clutches are larger, laying over 1000 eggs at a time, though only a small number will survive to maturity. Of every 100 noodlings, less than 1 will survive to full maturation. Additionally, her species is less social than land-dwelling dragons and her parental care is very rudimentary by comparison. Though she'll chase away anyone who threatens her young, her spawn tend to quickly disperse into the sea upon reaching a certain size as amphibious dragons are known to engage in cannibalism. The ocean is a very harsh environment and this is reflected in the nature of those that dwell there.

Unlike most other species of noodle, Tidebreaker is incapable of flight. Her body is adapted for an aquatic environment and so she is able to survive at depths that would crush most land-dwelling dragons.