🐺 Ágrios Thánatos ❄️



1 year, 10 months ago


Ágrios Thánatos

Alias Agrios (ah-gree-ohs)
Gender Male
Species Dire wolf
Age 4 years old
Height 3 feet tall
Occupation Dispersal
Masterlist Profile N/A
Creator Sole
Worth  Priceless ✨ ($0.00)


He is a bit of an oddball, one moment he'll be humorous and laid-back, then serious and resolute the next. He is usually head-strong and willing to take on any task, no matter the challenge. He's very nursing to the elderly and ill and is usually seen lazing around elders sharing tales and stories and such. He can be hot-headed and easy to temper, and once he is mad he's very stubborn and firm with his beliefs and challenging to calm down.

Positive Traits

  • clever
  • valiant
  • funny

Negative Traits

  • hot-headed
  • stubborn
  • reserved



Early Life

As a pup, Ágrios Thánatos struggled greatly to fit in with his litter and pack Highvalley. He was always picked and teased on by his siblings because he was so distant and wasn't interested in their games. But one pup from a different litter, named Donna, saw something different in him. Donna helped Ágrios come out of his shell and she found out he can be a humorous and enjoyable wolf to be around and they soon became good friends. As they got older, they learnt the ways of pack life and decided to disperse from their pack to form a new one, like all wolves do eventually.

Later Years

Soon after leaving the Highvalley pack, they stumbled into another pack. It was only two wolves at the time, named Morgan and Chunni that were destined to be the alpha pair of this newly discovered pack. Luckily, they accepted Ágrios and Donna into their pack as beta female and male, and named the pack Lilka. Lilka was growing and flourishing into a huge pack, with 40 loyal and brave wolves which was very large for a pack. Ágrios made tons of friends including Sap, Nekrous Andres, Chunni and Morgan, Koa, Ryder, Nyx, Esirereur, and much much more. The pack was going well until a dispute happened between Morgan and Ágrios. Due to his temperamental and hot-headed nature he left Lilka to finally do what he wanted to do all his life, make his own pack. This caused a chain reaction, and his friends and other pack members including Chunni left Lilka and followed Ágrios, and they formed a new pack named Kyiyaya, and now they reside near the beach living a happy and peaceful life.

But Ágrios realized Donna was left behind, and returned back to Lilka territory in the dead of night and discovered the mangled and horrid corpse of Donna, slain by Morgan herself. No one knew what happened prior to the incident. Ágrios' heart dropped when he saw it and was in complete shambles, Donna was the only one that truly loved him and she did so much to make his life better and now seeing her corpse right in front of his paws made Ágrios burst into tears. He howled for Kyiyaya to come and retrieve the body, and solemnly brought it back to their territory and dug a grave just for her. But that wasn't enough for Ágrios. Even though he was filled with sorrow and grief, a wave of anger flooded over him, his claws itched to slice open Morgan's throat, he was clearly angry through the feeling of grief that hung around her grave, and so he returned back to Lilka to get his revenge. (very angsty i know)

He returned once again, this time with evil and twisted intent. He approached the blood Donna's corpse had left behind and followed the bloody pawprints trailing away from it, and it soon led to Morgan sitting peacefully cleaning her jet black fur under a tree near a deadly cliff. Ágrios didn't hesitate to leap towards the alpha female, fur was flying everywhere but the commotion soon died down as Ágrios sunk his fangs into her throat, putting all his weight onto her neck which caused it to ultimately snap. He lifted his blood dripping chin and briefly looked at his surroundings before throwing Morgan's body over the cliff. With a twisted grin, Ágrios washed himself in a nearby pool and quickly left the crime scene, not a trace of blood to be seen on his black fur...

He joined the discord pack Mortem but tended to wander and finally wandered for good and now stays in random packs or dispersal groups. Sometimes he acts hostile and jittery around members due to Donna and Morgan's death and the trauma it gave him. But he is great friends with most of the members so it doesn't happen often.




  • His friends
  • Kelenken meat
  • Alone time
  • Being praised


  • Loosing in an argument
  • Cocky wolves
  • Competition
  • He was originally going to be all black until I saw a wolfdog (?) with a white chest, and BOOM his design became way more interesting.
  • His voice claim is Keith from Voltron (or anything similar to it because i dont watch anime/tv shows LOL)
  • He is bisexual with a male preference! Currently looking for a male mate.
  • He is in a discord pack from a game called Cenozoic Survival, play the game here! ↓




unknown.pngunknown.png                                                               Sap / secret bestie

Agrios Thanatos met Sap when she recently left a pack called Saharis, He found her in Kyiyaya territory while chasing a hare, he saw that Sap was weak and famished so he sympathetically fetched her a quagga leg and the two soon became friends. They meet up in secret at Mortem's borders and bring each other gifts, trinkets, food etc. They also enjoy rambling about their least favorite wolves. BESTIES FOR LIFE!!

Unless my friends make a toyhouse for their wolf characters, this is the end of the list!