






Full Name Hope (Dachshund)
Gender Nonbinary (She/They)
Age Adult
Sexuality Demi
Birthday May 30th
Occupation Photographer
Residence Asira
Likes Tootsie Rolls, Sight seeing, Plushies, Sonic (Series), Rainy days
Dislikes Continuous loud noises, Most veggies, Large crowds of strangers, Roller coasters, Horror media
Partner Bubble
Parents Unnamed
Friends Hunter, Alex
Enemies N/A

"Look at this beautiful view!"


Hope is an imaginative dachshund, and always has been. She was always coming up with some kind of game to play while she was a pup, and likes to still do that even now. Stuck on a boring car ride? She'll imagine a horse galloping next to the car, jumping over every obstacle in the way. Getting groceries? She likes to pretend she's playing Tetris when she puts things in the basket. Even now, Hope's kept her curiosity about the world around her, and enjoys going to new places to explore. It doesn't matter if it's a new road she's never been on, or a new town she's never been to, Hope loves seeing new things. She's kind, and likes to help even if she's helping a stranger. She feels good helping someone, and likes spreading a little bit of kindness when she's able to.

While she likes to try and have an open mind, Hope can seem set in her ways, and struggles with big, sudden changes. She also has a hard time dealing with sudden changes in her schedule or what she was going to do. Hope finds it easier to go at her own pace, and stresses out when something she didn't plan for happens, especially during a walk to somewhere new. One change, even if it's a small one, can make it feel like her day is ruined. It's why she has two small routines, and leaves the rest of the day open.


Hope is a short Dachshund who's only 4'11ft, and has a chubby build. She's often seen with a bandana and/or her camera. She likes taking a traveling bag with her when she's going someplace new.


  • Loves Tootsie Rolls so much that her nickname is Tootsie
  • Her favorite food is mac and cheese
  • She has a black and brown dachshund plushie she holds dear
  • She has ADHD and Autism (High empathy and high functioning)

Drawing Notes

  • She can be drawn feral or anthro. If anthro, she has a flat chest!
  • She can be drawn with glasses
  • Her bandana is optional
  • She can be drawn short or long haired. I don't mind either!
  • I don't mind if you can't draw her chubby. As long as you draw her long it's fine!



Hope helped Hunter settle into big city life, and taught him that he couldn't just steal everything he saw he wanted. She enjoys spending time with him, and thinks that he's exciting to be around!


Hope was always imaginative, even back when she was just a pup. She made up all kinds of games with her friends, and loved playing those games with them as much as she could. She spent most of her time outside, either with others or by herself when she was at home. When she was alone, Hope loved to dig holes and explore the yard. She'd often bring pretty leaves or an interesting bug inside to show her family. When she was inside, she loved playing all kinds of games. Made up games, card games, and video games! Hope hardly ever got bored when she had so much she could do!

Growing up, Hope found routines a nice way to control her day. She set up her own morning and bedtime routine, and often threw a fit as a pup when it would get ruined. It took her some time to realize that every single day couldn't go perfectly, and she enjoys the days that they do. She was grateful for her parents' understanding, and liked when they'd try to ask her when she was done with her morning routine to do something. Even to this day, Hope has a pretty solid routine in the morning and night, and tries to keep the rest of her day open for any new, possibly exciting things!

She had a sweet tooth growing up, and loved all of the candy giving holidays. So much so that her parents had to stop her from eating so many sweets. While she understood why as she grew older, she still didn't like it. Especially when she had to start holding herself back. Hope quickly had favorite candies and candy bars, with Tootsie Rolls being her absolute favorite!

Even as a teen, she'd still find creative ways to make games fun and interesting. She loved being able to go out and about in the town with her friends. She'd often lead her friends to new places, even if they got lost every once in awhile. She'd bring her dad's camera along with her so she could show her family all the interesting things she found with her friends! This led her to become fond of photography. She'd take pictures of pretty flowers and plants, and anything she found neat. Hope showed these pictures to everyone who would listen to her little adventures.

Now as an adult, Hope still loves taking photos, and coming up with little games to play when she starts getting bored. She decided to stay with her parents, and loves coming back to them with new pictures and small stories about what new things she's seen. Every once in awhile, she'll take them on a vacation to somewhere interesting, and they'd all come back with new things to tell everyone.

One day, she was out and about in a town not too far from hers. She found out that someone new in town had been causing trouble, so she decided to find out what was up. She found out that a ferret named Hunter was new to living in big towns, and had a problem with wanting to take what wasn't his. She happily showed him around the town, and listened to his story of growing up in a small village. She did her best to try and help him out. It may have taken some time, but she slowly saw her new friend become more friendly and generous. Hope now often likes to hang out with Hunter, and shares her photos with him.

Present Day

Hope is still wondering around new towns, taking photos, and hanging out with Hunter!

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