Angrboda £55



1 year, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info




Owner: Puddle
Name: Angrboda
Bloodline: n/a
Species: Tigathera
Gender: female
Birth Date: June 26
Parents: n/a
Cubs: n/a

Stats: 30    STR – 8 | RES – 6 | WIS – 6 | CHA – 4 | DEX – 6
Traits: Ears: C | Fangs: R | Tail: L | Size: C | Eyes: C | Horns: R
Mutations: tigathera                                 Special Bases: Galactic Star Rise (L)
Full Bio: n/a


Personality: Impulsive | Methodical | Wary
Boda is a bit on the manic side, she comes across as if she's not all there, but is ridiculously wary of others and will often 'ghost' others if she thinks they're plotting something. She's an aggressive bitch in the mornings and sometimes mellows out in the winter. Tends to hibernate as much as possible during the cold.
History: Her mother and father were extremely strict and exacting, raising all of their children the same way, despite the diferences in size, weight, gender and ability. Her older brother could not keep up and was summarily abandoned to fend for himself. Her older sister became so analytical and calculating, she snapped, killing their parents and vanished into the night, leaving Boda with her remaining brother. Hellin was not capable of caring for the family, so Angrboda took over. She was not as harsh as her mother, nor as calculating as her father. She was, however, a bit less level-headed and would often become a little too controlling of others. She rules her pride with an iron paw and will punish, but not kill her own.
Age: 27 years old
Family: TBD
