DappledLichen's Comments

I love their design sm, here's what I thought up! ^^

General info:
Name; DappledLichen
Gender; Demigirl
Pronouns; She/They
Sexuality; Pansexual
Moons; 28
Clan; Riverclan
Theme; Lone Digger - Caravan Palace

Personality and Backstory Ideas:

Charismatic, Extroversive, Energetic, Attention-Seeker, Jealous, Slightly Insecure

Dappled is a very energetic cat, dead set on making everybody like her. They love being the center of attention, often being jealous of others who are when they aren't. As long as somebody has their eyes on them, they're happy. If somebody were to come along and steal the attention from her, she wouldn't take it well and would start acting less cheery and vibrant. When somebody doesn't like them, they get paranoid and self-conscious, trying to figure out the reason as to why and then try to fix it. Despite this, she's a generally likeable cat who isn't *completely* self-absorbed and does care for [few] things other than themselves. She even tries to cheer up cats who seem lonely/sad, as long as she deems they won't end up having more eyes on them than her.

The main reason for her being so attention-seeking stemmed from the neglect she endured as a kit and apprentice. Their father was unknown and absent, rumored to be a cat from another clan or even a non-clan cat, while their mother, WillowGlare, was cold and distant. The only time her mother interacted with her was to either insult or reprimand her, resulting in her being self-conscious of her actions. The one time Dappled asked about her father was when she was a kit and her mother ended up yelling at them so badly that they ended up going non-verbal for a while. After some support from friends during their apprenticehood, they slowly began to grow more confident and started to disregard/ignore anything their mother tried telling them. At one point, those friends had started to spend time with another cat (while also spending time with Dappled) and she had started to become more distant and cold with them. This eventually got resolved once she learned how the new cat wasn't the worst and was actually pretty quiet, making them the perfect servant (friend who she orders around but still cares about).

The moss on covering her face and back is a result of her wanting to stand out more and because she thought it to be a creative way of keeping cool, especially during the peak of greenleaf (summer). Other cats in her clan find the last bit strange as they usually just go in the river to cool off, but nobody tells them this.

For the new rule, the designer doesn't have a TOS ^^

Poor Dappled! Im glad she was able to get to know the other cat properly!

DappledLichen will be sent over shortly!


Thank you sm!! ^^