Surfer Velocity ♥



6 years, 4 months ago



"Huh?! Calling me a slouch?! I'll show you what slouch I am!"


Surfer Velocity


13.8 Billion years


They/them, he/him



species takeover


Current world

Vibrance City


170cm /5'5ft



Kind hearted, aloof, nice and often seen as a goof ball who doesn't take anything serious. After losing most of his memories, Surfer ever so have been a friendly and happy-go lucky guy. Always up for hanging out and enjoying company. Yet he himself always thinking he has always been like it, which is quite from the oppossite. As before Surfer lost his memories, he was known to be emotionless, cold-hearted, violent, dangerous and one who would barely talk. He would not shed a tear or a laugh when others would die in front of his feet. Generally a person no one would or could be around. He was perfectly able to hide himself among communities. Completely changing his behavior, emotions, and personality at a wink. It was rare to see his actual self. He would never underestimate his surroundings, or his enemies. He would rarely even have allies, often living under many names and different identities to keep himself distanced from others.


Surfer used to be an emotionless killer but due to losing his memories has become an aloof goofy ahhh guy.

Surfer was born together with the creation of the universe. Created from the gasses within the newborn existence together with his siblings. Within the first few thousands of years they drifted within the tightly cramped space eventually ending up merging with astroids until they formed in the cores, becoming part with planets. After life started blooming from these planets they broke free from the core, reaching to the surface and started the first cycle of their life. Finding a host, hiding within the communities and in the end devoure everything. Once done, they either spare planet (Unlikely) or blow it up. By the sheer force of the explosion or the supernova they get flung back into space. Reaching another planet, and repeating the process. With one goal in mind: Kill all existing of their own kind, and reach the end of the universe (The heat death). Becoming the winner of their large scale battleroyal and usher in the creation of the new universe. Through billions of years, Surfer did the same thing. Becoming known as the most cruel and dangerous one of his species. Yet when he landed on Vibrance City, a large flying astroid which houses a massive intergalactic city, he has forgotten who he is. Luckily for him he found a man named Troxic, who was willing to take him in and perhaps reach enlightment once more.


Surfer is an ancient parasite who is having a massive battleroyal with his own species, but has forgotten who he is and now is with this maffia boss called Troxic in the hopes he will regain his memories.













Possessing bodies

D'pedes are able to take over bodies by attaching themselves to the backside of the brain. Usually by inserting themselves into the neck, crawling up through the spine. This will kill the person in the process. This process can take quite a while to do. Often the reason why they will take dead hosts instead of alive ones. Once attached they are able to adjust the bodies as they please and able to control and move the bodies as they please. Obtaining the abilities from the previous owner. (This does not transfer to the D'pede themselves.)

Energy linking

D'pedes have a special way of viewing the world. Unlike the usual vision of most creatures, they are able to see life lines. These are within everything: Organism, plantations, and objects. Visualized like star signs. Yet these lines are invisible to any other species, unless the D'pede connect their brains to someone else to allow them to see their view. Interacting with these lines can have various effects. Touch, movements, even conveying strong emotions to the target but most importantly can cause damage. By cutting the line they can cause damage to the target. But when the cut is done on certain spots it can create a more heavier and accurate attack. For example, hitting the skin on a target is easy, as they can see it, but internal things, say an organ, is harder to hit. Thus needing to know where the organ is, what it is made out of, and the general height and width of the cut that they want to make. Making it more difficult to hit targets they know little about. Often reasons why they don't just use nails only, but various type of weapons. For Surfer that would be guns and other range weapons.

Form changing

Able to change the form of the being they have taken over. Changing their DNA in such a way that he can shape it to anything he wants. However, for Surfer, his centipede features will always stay due to his memory loss.

Connecting brains

Their species can acces memories, thoughts and emotions by touching the skin of their target. For possible gaining information, secrets, and ways to help them to survive longer. However they often do so by force, plunging their nails into the backside of the necks of targets to gain access faster, using the nails like anchors to make it harder to disconnect from the target. They CANNOT edit these memories, thoughts or emotions.


At a certain point D'pedes needs sustenance to keep up their forms. In order to do so they needs fresh meat. If they don’t get that in time, or avoid it, it is possible that they can go into a wicked rampage where they won't stop until they gets their stomach filled.


Drama tv shows

Popcorn at movie theathers


His own reckless behavior


Switching bodies

Lying (Cuz he is bad at it)


Getting scolded


Day of Creation: May 21st - 2011


  • Able to take over bodies and but has difficulties changing it.
  • Has sometimes ravaging hunger for humanoids.
  • Has had various titles from being a conquerer throughout the galaxy but has forgotten.
  • Surfer has lost his memories, making him very aloof, kind and nice going. While his actual being is the opposite.
  • Voice Reference




Troxic is Surfer's boss and the one who originally found him when he landed in Vibrance city. Took him under his wing to take care of him. But secretly using him as a weapon against the city itself. Or well, that is what he believes he is doing. As long as Surfer doesn't regain his memories.



A brother of Surfer, who he once had a run in with. After that they both landed on Vibrance City. Both taking different routes to regain their powers.