Roshanara Marver



6 years, 8 months ago



"No masters or kings when the ritual begins"

Basics: Roshanara is a farmer used to doing whatever it takes to survive. Therefor, to protect her fields after her parents passed away, she made a deal with a demon to keep her fields fertile despite the rocky soil and poor growing season. She internalizes her life, unwilling to reach out to others. She is questioned by her neighbors as to why her fields are always successful while theirs die and dry out, and thus she avoid them carefully. She will violate her own morals if it protects her and allows her to keep herself alive. She does not express her emotions often, mostly remaining neutral, unwilling to speak up or let it all out.

Obtained from designer for $5

Must notify the designer if selling/trading/gifting

Drawing notes: Her collar is required

"There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin"

【 Name 】 Roshanara【 Gender 】 Female
【 Age 】 28【 D.o.B. 】 June 16th
【 Alignment 】 True Neutral【 Race 】 Canine
【 Role 】 Farmer【 Theme 】 Take Me to Church

【 Charisma 】

【 Kindness 】

【 Confidence 】

【 Integrity 】

【 Intelligence 】

【 Judgement 】

【 Maturity 】

【 Humor 】


Roshanara is a small but deft dog. She is medium in height but thin. Only the thickness of her fur hides her narrow built; her coat is fluffy and long. Her tail is especially long and thick. Roshanara works in the dirt, and thus her white fur is often specked with mud and soot from the fields. Her eyes are a starkly bright blue, contrasting against her ruddy coat. She always wears a plaid collar with a bell on it; something she has had for many years. She finds the jungle of the bell comforting. It rings with her every movement. Roshanara's expression is rarely one of happiness, mostly remaining neutral or devoid of emotion.


Roshanara is a member of a medieval kingdom. The kingdom is not among the wealthy; many members of the kingdom are hungry and unable to keep up with the day's needs. The castle itself is poor and selfish and there is therefor little to be given to help the citizens of the kingdom, and they are left to fend for themselves. The land is far from fruitful. Those who try to grow find themselves struggling due to the rocky nature of the soil.


Roshanara is a farmer. Like all famers of the land, she has struggled against the barren soil and, in the past, had multiple years where she barely was able to support herself. However, in a particularly poor year where she was in danger of starving, she made a deal with a tiefling who, in return for Roshanara's service and soul, blessed her fields. Now, her fields are always fruitful and she is able to make enough to support herself comfortably.

Roshanara is one who fights to survive. This has always been her style, her only true purpose in life. She has never known anything grander than the idea of simply making it to the next day, the next week, the next year. Being a farmer necessitates this thinking. She taught to both to think about the future of her crop and to struggle to make it through day-by-day when her crops are not successful. As such, she is resourceful, scrappy. She is someone who will do whatever is required for her to survive, even against her own morals if that is what she needs to do to keep going. She doesn't let anything stop her. She will care for herself above all others now that her family has passed. She is on her own and she will do whatever is required in order to make sure that she makes it through the day. Roshanara does not show outward emotion very often. She tends to be distant. To some degree, she regrets the deal she made and the knowledge that now, when she is required to serve the demon, she cannot possibly be doing anything other than harming the lands. In the end, it is worth it if she gets to keep herself alive. She will allow her morals to bend to her survival, though she tends to be quiet, bordering on brooding. She is not conversational and, since she made her deal, she has become distant with her neighbors and fellow citizens. They suspect that something may have happened for her fields to always be green when her neighbors' are yellowed and dead, though they cannot confront her about it as they rarely talk. She is unable to confide in anyone and unwilling to risk telling anyone about her deal, afraid that it may lead for the deal to be rescinded. Roshanara can be downright cold to those who try to get to close to her. She has closed herself off to much of the world, and dislikes anyone who challenges her or attempts to harm her. To her, any challenge is a threat, and she no longer knows how to react to issues without getting upset. She dislikes showing emotion, afraid that if she does she will lose her will to keep going like this, and instead has resigned herself to this just being her world now. She does not have the imagination to believe in change now. She has made enough with her field's richness that she could attempt to move on, move to another kingdom and seek a different life, but she doesn't know what would happen if she tried. She is very internal, dealing with life quietly and without outward complaint or need for anyone else.

Roshanara's youth was one of suffering. Her family lived off of their fields, farming whatever crops they thought they could be successful with. However, success was rare and fleeting. The fields of the entire kingdom are barren, the rocky earth being poor for growth of crops. As such, hunger is a familiar feeling for those who try to live off of the land. Roshanara's family knew this well, and in her youth, she was already in tune with the reality of their situation. There was no hiding the truth from her, or from anyone: they were one bad year away from starving. They had very little money, the empty fields their only true asset. Though the members of the kingdom did their best to support each other, when the winters came, families always supported themselves before helping others. It was a harsh childhood, and one Roshanara became silently resigned to. There was no other choice; there was no changing the soil, and the kingdom needed food. Roshanara took over her family's lands at the passing of her parents, who died when she was a teenager. She had no other choice but to try to farm-- there was nothing else for her. She had no other skills, no other options. No one would buy her lands and she had no way to find a way to a new life. She, she tried to farm. She tried for three years. She hardly grew enough to support just herself, she had no savings and no back-up plans. The next winter was going to be a harsh one; all signs pointed to a particular cruel season, and the crops were not growing well. Roshanara knew she had to try something if she were to survive. So, she sought out a demon, the only creature she could think of who might be able to help. Roshanara made a deal with the demon: in return for the fruitfulness of her fields, the demon would take her soul upon her death and, until then, she would serve the demon once a year. As the demon, not having a true corporeal form, could only do little to influence the Earth, this was his solution. Desperate, Roshanara took this deal; her only chance to keep from starving. Since then, she has had no problems with her field but, once a year, must serve the demon's whims. He does not ask her to kill or harm physically, but she is forced to perform small acts against the kingdom and against the lands at his wishes, small acts to bring about the coming of the demonic king, though she is not aware of the grand purpose of her actions.
