Malachite £40



1 year, 11 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)

Basic Info

Current Value



Owner: Puddle                                    Species: Kerual
Name: Malachite
Age: 27 years
Birthdate: unknown
Bloodline: n/a
Gender: male
Parents: unknown (deceased)
Cubs: N/A
Stats: STR – 6 | RES – 6 | WIS – 6 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 7
Traits: Ears: L | Fangs: UC | Tail: R | Size: UC Small | Eyes: L
Mutation: N/A                                                             Special Base: N/A

Personality: observant | vengeful | narcissistic
History: From the time he was little, his father told him he'd killed his mother in childbirth. Coupled with the strict apathy his sire showed the young kerual, this caused Malachite to grow up into a mirthless bully. He plays tricks just like the rest of his kind, but some of his have been known to get others hurt, if not killed. He targets those who annoy him or get in the way of what he wants. He is known to never back down from a challenge, but is ruthless enough to play as many dirty tricks as he can to win. He's vicious, thanks to his father and when the young kerual had had enough, he tore into his sire one day, leaving the elder to die, blood soaking the ground. 

Original Value: cyo lines (25) + L eyes upgrade (5) = 30
+self-colored - 10