
2 years, 3 months ago



Age 23

Species Leppard

Male Male

Pronouns He/They

Sexuality Gay

Lover/Partner To Be decided


  • Starry Nights
  • Strategic Games
  • Quiet Companionship


  • Unnecessary Conflict
  • Crowded Places
  • Disrespect

Zorro is a calm and introspective individual, often found observing the world around them with a quiet curiosity. They possess a deep sense of empathy, making them naturally attuned to the emotions of others. Despite their gentle demeanor, Zorro is fiercely protective of those they care about and will stand up for what they believe in without hesitation. He has a thoughtful and analytical mind, often preferring to think things through before taking action. This makes Zorro a strategic thinker, someone who can navigate complex situations with grace and precision. However, this can sometimes lead to overthinking, and they occasionally need encouragement to trust their instincts and act on impulse. Zorro's unique blend of independence and loyalty makes him a reliable friend and a trustworthy companion. They enjoy their alone time, often using it to recharge and reflect, but they also value deep, meaningful connections with others. Zorro is not one to seek the spotlight, but when the moment calls for it, they can rise to the occasion with quiet confidence.

Code by Aurorean