Connor McCullough



1 year, 11 months ago


A quirky little guy who's usually in his own world. Seems to have  absolutely no self-awareness and goes through the world completely  unaware of how others think of him -- so he usually assumes they don't  like him. He's a slave to his obsessions and can go into a lecture on any of them at the drop of a hat. If you're in a rush, don't ask him  about card games, Pokemon, lizards, marine life, or British television.

Because he grew up as a social pariah, Connor is pretty deeply insecure  about himself despite being relatively well-liked by most people,  especially since he started working out for stress relief in high  school. (Seriously he has no idea that he's kind of a sex-beast to most  people.)

While he can mirror other people easily, he's completely disinterested  in, well, the things he isn't interested in. It's because of this that  he's very competent in the workforce, but absolutely miserable when he's  doing his best. He can't bring himself to slow down because he's  hypersensitive to what others think; if he stopped running, he would  break.

If only there was someone calm, collected, and nonjudgmental, who  recognized the work he put in to be loved, and found his lack of social  awareness more endearing than obnoxious...

On an unrelated note, he has an odd, complicated relationship with Florence Clair (aka Lory). Eventually, they start dating, but that's only after about thirteen years of pining and six months of FWBdom.