Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

!!! WARNING !!!


Hey! and Welcome to my profile, please make sure to read this bit before interacting!^^

I may draw stuff whit Dark theme's and Gore/NSFW, ill tag everything, and pretty much all character's whit triggering topic's will have a seperate warning, but please beware when browing my Profile!


  • Draw my character's [credit me for the character].
  • Make offer's for oc's in my SALE folder.
  • Get inspired by my oc's, just dont copy them, but im not gonna be on your ass about "color Stealing".
  • fav my character's, dreamy folder's are okay, just dont expect to get em if they have the "NFS" tag.
  • DM me for any questions you may have

  • Copy my oc's/Designs.
  • Draw NSFW art of my oc's w/o consent.
  • Ship your oc's whit mine w/o consent
  • Kin my Oc's, they all are super close to me and represent me in way's, so at least keep it to yourself!
  • Use my oc's/art w/o credit.

  • Homophobe/Transphobe
  • Racist
  • Proship/Comship
  • Zoo/Pro-Para/Pedo's
  • NFT/Crypto/AI supporters
  • Abelist
  • Just rude people okay? okay.

These topics may apprear on this profile/my Oc's!

  • NSFW
  • Gore/Death/Murder
  • Manipulation
  • Usage of Drugs
  • Mentions of Cannibalism
  • Bodyhorror
  • Violence

Just some other stuff to know...

  • uhh nothing rn...

Little blacklist for peeps i dont want my stuff to have!

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Some importand link's i would like you to check out!^^

Ty for reading!^^

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