01. Garrett Ryder



6 years, 8 months ago



Garrett Ryder




Race: Human
Role: Solder [Former] | Spy [Former] | Pathfinder [Current]
Alias: The Nebula Seeker | The Human Pathfinder
Orientation: Bisexual
Height: 6'3"
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Marital Status: Dating


  • Systems Alliance [Former]
  • Hydra (Former)
  • The Nexus
  • The Tempest


  • Cerberus [Former]
  • Kett
  • Outlaws
  • Reokaar



Garrett is very kind and patient. He's always the more level headed individual among any group he's in and thinks things through. His training as an agent of Hydra and an Alliance soldier have tempered him into being a very apt individual. He tries to pretend he doesn't know what's going on to get more information on what's going on around him, much to no avail since those around him know he's very intelligent with just how he carries himself. He's observant and tends to ask questions towards people -- out of general curiosity and to better know those around him.

He's very defensive of his friends and allies and even shows that in fights as well as verbal disputes. In a fight, he uses his biotics to shield his friends while in a verbal dispute, he's more than willing to physically stand between whoever is attacking his friend and the accuser. Trust is a deal for him but not as much as he may entail. He was trained as a spy and acted as such for years, so he can say and do anything to get someone's trust but he also doesn't see a reason to use it on those in the Initiative or outside of it unless otherwise inclined.

When it comes to personal relationships, Garrett's more or less awkward. He's been used to meeting all sorts of people and species while in the Milky Way and even within Andromeda as well. He's overall unsure who to actually put his trust in and even get to know -- as he had never met these people prior. So when it comes to making friends, he's awkward about it because he's used to befriending people to get information and not going through the process of being fully invested in someone's life.


Garrett Ryder was born on the Citadel in 2163. He and his twin sister, Sara, grew up with a formal education and later joined the Systems Alliance. Garrett went to try and apply for the N7 program, or try to get the interest of them to no avail and ended up being posted near the Arcturus Station overseeing one of the Mass Effect Relays. Although his duty was important, he didn't like how he had a front row seat to everyone running off to go find some form of glory. His sister went off to become a technician to find out more about the Prothean artifacts that the Alliance acquired. He did envy his sister though, she had more of a chance to explore the galaxy while he was playing gatekeeper.

While Garrett did try getting the interest of the N7 program so he could be like his father, he did actually get the interest of Hydra. The human black ops organization known for having biotic agents. Garrett got their attention through his use of biotics -- having an L3 implant that allowed him to use his biotics. During his training, he made a more refined use of applying his biotic power to enhancing his kinetic shields for himself and his squad. It was enough to get Hydra's attention. Hydra's recruitment included faking Garrett's death -- a way to unsure that he'd be loyal to Hydra and that he'd have no reason to hold back on missions. Garrett's "death", included him being caught up in an eezo (element zero) explosion near the relay he was guarding. He and his squad were trying to escort a shipment of supplies from the Arcturus relay to the station and there was an explosion on the way there. No one died, just injured and reassigned. A couple weeks passed before Garrett was told what had happened and was dubbed the "Nebula Seeker".

As a Hydra agent, Nebula had a chance to enhance his biotic power. He enjoyed it honestly, and had a lot of fun with his mentor, the Red Seeker, and his partner, the Nova Seeker. Together they made a rather ragtag team but worked as a very disciplined group. His training entailed amplified biotic implants -- which changed his appearance and how his biotics looked -- as well as having special ops training. His new implants bolstered his biotic powers and became able to create effective shields and barriers around his squadmates. He served for the next several years before being assigned to the Terminus Systems.

While in the Terminus Systems, Nebula and Nova were on several missions that required them to sabotage some of the shipments from the merchant groups operating out of Omega. They also sabotaged anything to do with the mercenary groups in general. During one of the missions they had, Nebula, Nova, and Clare went to attack the Blue Suns. They were ambushed and he was injured during the fight. Both Clare and Nova managed to get him back to Hydra's headquarters in which he managed to go through all the surgeries he had to undergo. However, despite the success of his surgeries, there was still a likelihood that Garrett wouldn't survive. The hierarchy of Hydra, mainly the Orange Seeker, made contact with Alec Ryder to ensure his survival. She advocated for Nebula's survival and even revealed his identity as the son Alec thought he had lost. Enraged, he almost had forsake what the Orange Seeker admitted until she showed him what Nebula looked like in his stasis. Pleased that she had made her point, the Orange Seeker had overseen Nebula's transfer to the Hyperion Ark before it and the rest of the Andromeda Initiative set of in 2185.

In 2819, 600 years later, Nebula awoke in the Heleus Cluster of the Andromeda Galaxy. He was surprised to say the least and wasn't entirely sure how he ended up in another galaxy. He didn't have much time to accumulate to his new surroundings at all and was thrown into a mission to explore Habitat 7 with the Pathfinder -- which was his father. During the exploration of the supposed "golden world", Nebula learned about the Andromeda Initiative thru Liam Kosta and managed to find his grip through the mission. The air and planet were toxic to anyone who tried to breath the air -- making it inhabitable. The mission was the assess Habitat 7 for the Hyperion to try and inhabit. One of the challenges for the Pathfinder and his team was to see if the golden world could sustain life and since it wasn't, they had to find a way off the world to rejoin the Hyperion.

After meeting up with his father and saving the most of crew that traveled with them to Habitat 7, Nebula and Liam teamed up with Cora Harper to help Alec defeat the aliens that had assaulted them and managed to figure out the alien tech that was making the planet inhabitable. However, there was a rebound from the tech as it purged its surroundings and pushed both Alec and Nebula off into the platform they were standing on. Nebula awoke a few moments later trying to gasp for air after his helmet was smashed open. Alec risked his own life to save Nebula.

Nebula awoke once more to find out he had survived his encounter and was on the Hyperion once more. He vaguely remembered seeing flashes of his life from when he joined the Alliance to joining Hydra and even awakening on the Hyperion. SAM helped Nebula recount what happened in the moments before he had blacked out, with a few of the doctors trying to make sure he was okay. After he was cleared for duty, Nebula decided to drop his nickname and be Garrett again -- for his father's sake.

Basics Continued:

  • Finds the Nexus; goes to Eos
  • Makes Eos habitable and dubs Prodromos to be a scientific outpost for the Nexus
  • Makes first contact with the Angara and helps them reclaim the Moshae as well as help stabilize their homeworld -- Havarl.
    • Instead of destroying the Exaltation Facility where the Moshae was kept, Garrett saves the Angara trapped there
    • Does kill the Cardinal though
  • Makes contact with the outlaws in Kadara Port
    • Ended up siding with Reyes Vidal over Sloane Kelly
  • Also finds the Krogan Colony on Elaaden
    • Finds a way to ally the Krogan and Nexus together without much bloodshed
  • Found all three of the missing Arks and their Pathfinders
    • Ended up telling Sarissa's secret about what happened with the previous Asari Pathfinder
      • Vederia becomes new Pathfinder
    • Helped Avictus Rix become the new Turian Pathfinder
    • Was helped by Salarian Pathfinder Zevin Raeka however doesn't make it in time to save her
      • Choose to help the Krogan scouts instead thus making Lumony Hayjer the new Pathfinder
  • Finds Meridian and defeats the Kett
    • Picks August Bradley as the Nexus Ambassador
  • Also ends up recruiting all allies and gains their loyalty



Alec Ryder

[ Father ]
Garrett didn't have much of a relationship with his father before his "disappearance". Even if they weren't close before, he did lament the loss of his father after he saved Garrett's life. He never really knew much about his father and what he went through and having experienced what SAM knew about him, made Garrett look at his old man differently. He also learned more about Alec through Cora -- who knew him better than Garrett assumed.

Ellen Ryder

[ Mother ]
Garrett assumed his mother died after accepting his new life in Hydra. He always hoped she and his family was at peace when they were told Garrett had "died" shortly after he was recruited into Hydra. After learning more about his father, he became more curious about what happened to his mother -- if she passed away peacefully, etc. After learning that she had actually been in stasis on the Hyperion, he felt like he had another chance to reconnect with his family. He hopes that there's a chance that there will be a cure found for his mother's disease.

Carver Ryder

[ Twin Brother ]
Blurb about the twins and their mayhem attitudes :V


[ Partner ]
Also known as "Simulated Adaptive Matrix". Having no basic training with having an AI, let alone an advanced one, Garrett treated SAM like he treated Hydra's Sol virtual interface. After becoming the new Human Pathfinder, SAM and Garrett had an easier time trying to adjust with one another. SAM helped Garrett assimilate into his new role and with his attempts in trying to be more open with everyone around him while Garrett helped SAM live life and answer whatever questions it had. Although Garrett doesn't use it as expertly as his father had, he does use SAM to amplify his biotic powers. Both are pretty friendly with one another and help each other.

Clare Elliot/Red Seeker

[ Mentor ]
Garrett looked up to his former mentor and still holds her in high regard. He learned a lot about how to defend himself and others around him with his biotics and knows he can't use it as expertly as she had. He always strived to keep his team alive and well during whatever missions they were sent out on. His last mission in the Milky Way nearly resulted in his death -- which after Hydra managed to save his life and managed to get him into the Andromeda Initiative. After waking up in the Heleus Cluster 600+ years later, Garrett lasted the loss of his mentor and wondered often about her and the well-being of those he knew in Hydra. When SAM revealed that there was a message waiting for him from his mentor, Garrett felt more at ease about everyone's well-being and found a way to move forward.

Nova Seeker

[ Best Friend | Partner ]
Garrett's closest friend, teammate, and partner while he was in Hydra. Nebula and Nova worked well together and complimented one another. Nova was the more hot headed of the two while Nebula was the more level headed between them. They were always seen on missions together and were rarely seen apart for the most part. Garrett says they didn't have any intimate feelings for one another other than trying to find somewhere to belong. Garrett doesn't blame Nova for injuring him during his last mission and actually praises her for allowing him to become the Pathfinder later. He shares an admiration for Nova like he does with Sara, his mother, Clare, and other women that have made an impact in his life.

Abilities, Paraphernalia, & Trivia

Weapons & Equipment

  • TBA [Pistol]
  • TBA [Pistol]
  • TBA [Assault Rifle]
  • TBA [Assault Rifle]
  • M-97 Viper [Sniper]
  • Black Widow [Sniper]
  • Pathfinder armor
  • Enhanced Biotic shields
  • SAM

Strengths & Weaknesses

  • Biotics (Singularity & Barrier)
  • High-level intellect
  • Strategist
  • Tactician
  • Observer
  • Keen reflexes
  • Tactical Cloaking
  • Over-exertion
  • Tendency to overlook things
  • Very stubborn


  • Garrett is a sub par biotic user. He uses his biotic to bolster his shields and allies' defenses rather than his own attack.
  • He's a vary accomplished sniper and prefers to be on the backlines picking off enemies instead of being in the front. Which is good for him since he usually has Vetra and Drax leading the charge.
Like many of the Milky Way inhabitants to Andromeda, Garrett's about 679 years old. Spending 656 years in cryogenic sleep does that.
