♤ Jumpingstar



1 year, 9 months ago


[temp bio!]

jumpingstar . leader of alleyclan

he/him . aroflux panromantic asexual

kin: hotshot (nephew), daredevil (niece) 

vengeful, bombastic, amoral, aggressive, charismatic. fun-loving & irresponsible; likes to take young cats under his wing. an older brother figure to much of alleyclan. still grieving over pennystar's death.

excerpt from practice app: 

"Jumpingstar is fun-loving and irresponsible. He has a hard time thinking of the future and in the long-term; preferring short term satisfaction and adrenaline highs over long-term planning. Pennystar used to keep him grounded, but without her he has a hard time keeping track of things. He flippantly disregards the wants of others in pursuit of his goals, and only really cares about a handful of cats. Jumpingstar has little to no moral fiber, and enjoys violence for it's own sake, finding it amusing. 

He isn't actively evil and has no desire for control. He does, however, desire revenge, and can hold a grudge for years on end. Jumpingstar is also a bully to those whom he dislikes for any reason, and can be very cliquey with his friend groups. 

Does he have any redeeming qualities? Well, he's fantastic at building a community, he's charismatic in a way which really reels cats in; he was a great deputy to Pennystar because he was able to command cats whilst still seeming down-to-earth and approachable. Jumpingstar also enjoys mentorship, both formal and informal, and can be a great role model for young cats he likes. Not fantastic with young cats he doesn't like, though."
