Aspen ❄️



1 year, 10 months ago



Longhair cat



Age : 24

average/skinny weight, 5’11”


• very fun and bubble-y guy, doesn’t take much seriously and loves to joke around 

• loves to roughhouse and a very “physical feelings” type of person 

• very easy for people to get along with, gives a sense that you’ve met him before


• works in the arctic, he chops and transports ice and runs his own business selling ice 

• since he travels so much for his job, he knows so many people and always finds friends wherever he goes

• his fur is very long to keep him warm in such cold climates, so his eyes are often covered up, but his hair is occasionally pulled up in a bun

• also is almost always covered in many thick layers of clothing, knits most of his own clothing

• a very physically self-sufficient person, doesn’t feel he needs romance and just loves to spend time with himself and the ice and snow 

• his closest friend is x, he found them almost frozen to death in some ice and managed to save them, they now always travel together and aspen knits them clothing as despite them being an albino moth, they have very thin fur on most of their body and are always cold 

• mysterious man with Canadian accent