
6 years, 4 months ago



21 yo

Swamp Rabbit (Anthro/Feral)

Female (She/Her) + Lesbian

Classification: Witch (Coven)

Love Interests: none atm

Best Friends: none atm

Outfit: Striped blue button-up shirt, plain yellow spaghetti-strap tanktop, plain gray boxer-briefs, plain gray shorts, black wire-rim glasses (optional) / Ceremonial red witch robes + hat, hand-carved cherry wood wand, spiked knee-high boots, black wire-rim glasses (optional)

• Personality: Awkward, Anxious, Introverted, Sweet, Sensitive, Thoughtful, Bright, Polite, Honest, Well-mannered, Empathetic, Quick-witted, Hard-working, Loyal

• Hobbies/Interests: WITCH ACTIVITIES :D bird watching & keeping, plant-keeping, potion brewing, writing, photography, scrapbooking, knitting, crocheting, running, yoga, meditation, singing, baking/cooking, cleaning & organizing/collecting, guitar, violin, piano, drawing, swimming, reading, studying, writing

• Childhood: Not much is known or said about her past except the following few facts: Her birth parents (Witches) died in a car wreck when she was 12, leaving her orphaned on the side of the road. Her distress activated her magic for the first time ever, lighting the car wreckage around her on fire. By the time help arrived she'd run off, terrified and traumatized after seeing blood leaking from the mess. She lived off the land until age 14, when a Coven Witch came across her makeshift house in the woods. She was immediately taken into the Coven's care and ever since she's been a perfect example of Witch Sisterhood, and lives to serve her Coven