


6 years, 4 months ago



Name Leuko
Designer Sixbane
Gender Female
ObtainedSelf created
Significant Other N/A
Rules None
Species Sea Dragon

RoleBroodmother, Travelling sea creature


  • Her body is smooth to the touch, it's more similar to a leathery texture (on her tail, beyond her fur) than scales. She can deliver a nasty jellyfish-like sting from her tail-spines when she wants to.

Leuko is a spitfire who Is Not here for your nonsense. She can deliver a nasty sting with her tail and will not hesitate to give you a good zap for her troubles. She's witty and just a /little/ vain, but she does mean well and sort of has that 'overbearing party mom' vibe. She gets easily huffy when things aren't going her way, and she can sometimes come across as irresponsible- though she typically has good intentions even if she's really just making a mess of things. 

She has many offspring (Only natural when you're....a dragon with a brood), and runs into them occasionally at random. She doesn't really mother them, though she is kind to them and will offer them any assistance she can in their passings or get to know them. 

She doesn't like feeling trapped or cornered- so pushing her into a corner socially or literally is a good way to get stung, either by her tail -or by her smart mouth. She isn't afraid to show her attitude as necessary or throw her weight around as a powerful sea dragon either.


  • Based on a blue dragon mollusk/glaucus atlanticus. 
  • She eats jellyfish, primarily. 
  • She can be lured from the sea with good music abovewater- as she loves the sound, it doesn't pervade well below the waves. 
  • She can go abovewater without harm coming to her. She just dries out and it's very uncomfortable. (Like dry itchy skin...) 

Leuko was a wild dragon-creature who resided in the sea, with her brood of dragon-lings in the deep ocean, before being captured and kept in a tank as decoration for a high end crime boss. Disregarded as something that wasn't intelligent enough to be a threat- she stayed in her glass prison for miserable years, planning her escape. Eventually, by enlisting the help of the crime boss' daughter, she was able to convince her to break her out of her tank and help her flee back to the sea. In the interim, forging a close bond with the mortal. After returning, Leuko forged a new home in the shallows so she could stay close to her dear new friend, and of course- watch out for any of her former captors in the event she could give them a good sting or two for what they'd done.

She doesn't have any overarching goal- not in the sense of being ambitious. She's perfectly happy just living her life in the sea and surviving on a day to day. 


  • The sea and swimming
  • Clams and shellfish, jellyfish
  • Sunsets
  • Good music

  • Feeling trapped
  • Stormy seas
  • Being out of the water

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name relationship

Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.