♛Lio Solace♛



Lio Solace


Aliases Lionheart, Dumbass
Age 28
Birthday/Sign July 30th/Leo (of course wheeze)
Gender Male
Height 6'10"
Body Type Muscular; looks like he could throw you through the nearest brick wall with no effort
Occupation Mechanic/Engineer (Mainly because I could see him being good with machines. Especially with his gauntlets, what if he made those himself you know?? Cool stuff.)
Orientation Gay gay homosexual gay
Status Alive | Taken by Frost
Flower King Protea
Voice Claim Quinton Flynn
Created Initial design created 8/8/22 by Bobo | Outfit designed 8/10/22 by me


Charisma 90%
Kindness 90%
Temper 80%
Integrity 70%
Wisdom 40%
Humor 90%


Attack 80%
Defense 80%
Dexterity 70%
Stamina 90%
Speed 60%
Luck 80%

Lio Solace is a retired fighter turned mechanic. He mainly makes a living off of others bringing him their broken machines for fixing. However, he is also known to build his own creations, either for personal use or for others to buy. He lives with his boyfriend Jack Kendrick, AKA Frost, who he met back in his days in conflict. While he has quite a mind for machines and inventing, he is truly best described as a himbo. Really, he is just a complete and utter dumbass. But a loveable one nonetheless. (I'll add to this as I get more ideas haha)


As a person, Lio very much embodies the spirit of a summer day. He is very cheery, friendly, and funny despite everything he's been through in his life. He's forever an optimist, always looking on the bright side in every situation he finds himself in. He's energetic and bold, always up for a good conversation with a new friend or a new adventure to explore. He's very much a social butterfly, and a popular one at that. He knows how to attract a room's attention, and once all eyes are on him, he makes sure they won't look away. He's incredibly cocky and daring, traits that combine well into make him quite a sight to behold. He is very goofy, and loves to make others laugh with the jokes he comes up with. These mainly come in the form of his playful teasing jabs, which he has a plethora of. He loves being touchy, and he'll always keep you entertained while you're around him, to say the least. However, while many of his traits would point to him being just one big goofball, he has more to him than meets the eye. He is incredibly confident, and absolutely leader material. He knows how to talk and act to gain others' trust, and has just the right amount of charisma to help band together even the most unlikely of allies. He is much more emotionally perceptive than he lets on, and can act as a surprisingly good listener in times of distress. He does his best to help all those around him, offering a pillar of support and care to all those in need. He has plenty of interesting philosophies and advice he's willing to share to whoever comes to him for it. He also has a much longer temper than expected, at least outwardly. He can take even the worst treatment with a smile and a laugh, brushing off most everything that bothers him. He would be more likely to tease you to the point of embarrassment than start a fight if you mess with him. However, he's far from a pushover. He knows how to stand up for himself and those around him quite well in fact, a trait that he won't soon let anyone forget. He's fiercely loyal, brave, and protective of those he holds dear. Hurt someone he cares for and you're in for a world of hurt.

However, Lio is definitely not without his flaws. Many people refer to him, both affectionately and derogatorily, as a himbo for a reason. He has common sense, but he is very much prone to leaping before he looks. He acts on his first instinct more often than not, which can of course land him in trouble. Couple this reckless nature with his tendency toward being hardheaded and stubborn, and he can be quite a force to combat. He also possesses quite an ego, and can be surprisingly full of himself at times. While this often just manifests in his cocky nature, he can also show a surprising amount of arrogance at times. While he is very open to others' emotions, he is very closed off about his own. He often masks his feelings under jokes and positivity. He reacts to almost every situation that affects him, be it positive or negative, with a joke. He very much laughs through the pain, though often to the point of his own detriment. He'll make jokes at the worst time to brighten the mood, a trait that not many people appreciate in dire times. When he does take emotional matters seriously, they never pertain to himself. He hates seeing those around him upset, and puts all of his energy into supporting them first. He takes on a plethora of burdens for others' sakes, and often won't stop to realize it's too much for him. He pushes himself to be infallibly strong, and it takes a lot for him to crack and display intense emotions outside of happiness. In a sense, he's very much in denial about his own feelings. As little as he likes to admit it, he secretly harbors a lot of guilt and trauma from his days in combat. Even if he feels he was on the "right" side of the conflict, he realizes that not everyone on the other side is a bad person. Frost taught him that much. However, even with that in mind, he was still forced to fight and kill them all the same. He thinks about it a lot more than he lets on, and feels a sense of shame for who he used to be and what he used to. He pushes himself to be better in the present to atone for his past, something that he tries to convince himself is working.

In combat, Lio wields giant robotic gauntlets that he has lovingly named Rochambeau. They are equipped with three different modes that he can swap between at will. The first is the most standard; in this mode, he is able to use his gauntlets like normal for delivering powerful punches. They amplify the power of his already strong punches to do extra damage. The second mode is their blade mode. In this mode, he is able to extend out claw-like blades that he can use for slashing up enemies. Finally, the third mode is their gun mode. In this mode, he is able to fire bullets from the gauntlets' fingers by making finger gun-type gestures. He often relies on a combination of these three modes to attack. However, even without his gauntlets, he is a master of hand-to-hand combat. He is more than strong enough to take down even the roughest opponents, even if he needs some encouragement from those closest to him.


TBA haha


  • He is the kind of guy who will drink hot coffee on a 100 degree day and somehow not burn himself, but be shivering and catching colds at 60 degrees.
  • He is a lover of spicy foods, especially chili. He's the kind of guy who could eat a ghost pepper without breaking a sweat.
  • He also LOVES peach, cherry, mango, and/or lemon-flavored things. His favorite drink out there is peach lemonade.
  • He is really into being active and keeping in shape. He and Frost will often train in combat for health reasons, but ene outside of that he loves to exercise. He especially loves swimming, though he'll get cold very fast if he's not swimming in relatively warm water.
  • He really likes cats, especially lions.
  • He is the kind of guy who would send you stupid memes at 3 AM to cheer you up.
  • He is VERY cuddly. He loves to show his affection physically just as much as he does verbally. Be prepared for him to hug you at the very least should you be friends with him.
  • He will hog all the blankets at night in order to keep from getting cold, beware.
  • He is really good at taking care of hair. He treats his own with a ton of pride and respect, and will often extend that treatment to Frost as well. He especially loves cutting Frost's hair for him in the summer to keep him cool. While he knows Frost isn't the biggest fan of haircuts, he does his best to make them enjoyable with plenty of cuddles, kisses, sweet words, and scalp massages after the fact. He also helps Frost maintain it during the winter, and will often bury his face in it for extra warmth.
  • He calls everyone by nicknames, especially Frost. He has plenty of nicknames for his boyfriend, but his top favorite is Snowdrop. He also really loves calling him prince/snow prince and snow angel.
  • He has the appetite of a shonen protagonist haha. This guy can eat tons of food at once and still feel hungry after the fact. It's honestly impressive to many people who witness it.
  • He has a very odd scale when it comes to pain. He's very used to severe amounts of pain, having been in combat for a long time and gotten lots of scars. However, on the flip side, he got so used to severe pain that he sort of forgot what minor pains feel like, and he reacts much worse to them as a result. You could stab or shoot him and he'd just smile and laugh it off until he got proper medical care. But he will sob over a papercut or stubbed toe, or heaven forbid hitting his funny bone. He's very bad with sudden stinging pains like that.
  • He is terrible with most needles. He's absolutely terrified of them, mainly thanks to a rough childhood experience he had with some shots he needed. This was something he had to mask when he was in combat, as they were often necessary to use when he was injured for anesthetics and such, but he never really got over the fear. He always has to bring Frost along for support whenever he needs to get a shot or blood draw done, and sometimes not even that is enough.
  • However, he has tried to combat this fear to the best of his ability. This is evident in his piercings and tattoos. They helped him work through things to the point where he could more easily mask his feelings in combat situations at the very least, and admittedly he did quite enjoy those experiences. However, they still didn't really break him of his fear.
  • While he would never really admit to it, he is actually afraid of the dark, at least to an extent. He pretends like he simply doesn't like the nighttime and dark hours because there's less to do when it gets late. However, it truthfully unnerves him to be in dark areas. He has a very overactive imagination when he's in the dark, and will often scare himself with thoughts of what could be there. The only times he'll willingly be in the dark are when he's already feeling upset. If he ever goes into a dark room, it's often a sign that he's in a bad mental state.
  • He really enjoys carrying others around. This is especially the case for Frost, naturally.
  • He is very passionate about his work. He is somewhat of a savant for machines, and just seems to instinctively "get" how they work. He will go off on tangents for hours telling you all the ins and outs of a particular piece of tech's deepest inner workings, and sound shockingly technical while he does it.
  • He is also this passionate about math, surprisingly enough. He has quite a head for numbers, and especially applying them to his work.
  • One of the easiest ways to cheer him up (aside from cuddling with him wheeze) is giving him something to fix, build, or just generally tinker with. He will happily sit for hours taking things apart and putting them back together again.
  • He is a huge fan of thrift stores and garage sales. This is mainly because of all the neat finds he can get there and tinker with, and he admittedly has a large collection of unique trinkets he keeps around just to mess with. However, he also just likes being able to get cool things on a budget.
  • As his gauntlets suggest, he is truly an inventor at heart. He will often modify and create gadgets on the slightest whims for household use. This, in fact, is how he's solved plenty of issues around the house. He and Frost have very opposing needs, and he often invents things to help compromise. For instance, he designed a coffee maker for the two of them that makes both hot coffee and cold brew coffee at the same time, as he knows Frost struggles with extra heat. He's incredibly proud of this, and will brag to you about it.
  • He struggles staying still often. He always has to be doing something, even if just something small. Thus, he will always have something with him to mess around with. Be this some sort of toy or gadget to fidget with, or simply having Frost close so he can play with his hair, he appreciates it.
  • He is incredibly expressive in his body language. He always talks with his hands, and especially if he doesn't have something to mess with, he will talk frequently to keep his hands busy.
  • More later I'm tired of typing haha



Frost [ Boyfriend ]

Lio and Jack, AKA Frost, started out as mortal enemies. They were on opposing sides in combat, and they had to face each other constantly. They somewhat became rivals for one another. In some ways, they almost liked fighting each other. However, they also hated each other, and came pretty close to killing each other before. At one point Lio left Frost with a scar through his eye, blinding him in that eye (an action that he now deeply regrets and feels horrendous guilt for.) However, after a fateful event, Frost joined Lio's side instead. The reasons for this no one could say for sure. Perhaps he realized how bad his side was and that he didn't have to stay with them, or maybe he was forced into it. Regardless of the reasons, now in close proximity, the two of them began to bond. They became friends and more, and retired from combat together. They do keep up with combat training for health purposes and so they can defend themselves should they need to, but they never spar against each other due to the bad memories it brings back.

As a boyfriend, Lio is an incredibly loving person. He flirts and teases Frost a lot, though makes sure he knows it has romantic intent. He is always willing to spoil Frost with plenty of affection in a variety of ways, and treats him like the prince he knows he is. He loves to call him by sweet nicknames, particularly snowdrop, prince/snow prince, and snow angel. He also always shows him support. He knows Frost has plenty of issues, and he wants to do whatever he can to help with them. He's very soft and understanding with Frost, somehow moreso than with anyone else. However, as soft as he gets around his boyfriend, he knows how to stand up for him as well. He is fiercely loyal and protective over Frost, and will not hesitate to smite anyone who does wrong to him.


Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.