


1 year, 8 months ago


wip character notes

Furi . they/them . aggretsona . dalmatian ferret

  • works at a jewelry store but doesn't feel like they relate to their other coworkers because they don't really enjoy jewelry or dressing nicely that much
  • kind of a shut in
  • extremely witty and snarky, but has a hard time talking to people if they have to turn down the snark or be professional, comes off as awkward and standoffish
  • kind of a nervous wreck when they dont have a witty comeback
  • meets Hyodo at an anime convention and develops a crush on him
  • need to update with: the tadano mixup, proposal date, wedding, kori

worth $





Fūri is an inventory manager at a small jewelry store employee, and an independent manga artist/animator on the side. They often feel as if they don't fit in with their coworkers, and feel burnt out from their manga work, so they coast on personal projects between work, simply content with their life.

  • date of birthApril 24th, 20XX
  • age24
  • blood typeAB
  • orientationasexual
  • gendernonbinary
  • pronounsno pronouns
  • occupationinventory manager/freelance animator
  • zodiacTaurus
  • mbtiINTJ-T
  • speciesDalmatian ferret
  • marital statusin a relationship
  • EmployerElegant Snow Jewelry
  • english voiceTBA
  • japanese voiceTBA




Fūri is calm and quiet. They tend not to talk unless they know they have something worthwhile to say. However when they do have something to say, it's usually a witty observation or comeback. Fūri thrives on messing with people by being vague, cryptic, and snarky, but they have a hard time being openly sincere or direct, particularly in professional situations, leading others to believe that they're quite shy.

Fūri loves art and animation and when they aren't working at their jewelry store day job, they're working on their manga and animation projects. They've garnered a somewhat large following for it, but as the years went on, they slowly came to the realization that it was burning them out and that they no longer felt that they were persuing art for themselves. Fūri's true passions are character writing and worldbuilding, but they feel as if they'll never find a career they're truly happy in out of fear that they'll lose passion for anything they monitize. As a result, Fūri is simply content with their day to day life and doesn't see much use in striving for more, even if they'd love to be a flight attendant if they weren't so stressed by people.


  • planes
  • worldbuilding & character writing
  • manga
  • drawing
  • video essays


  • people & crowds
  • talking
  • makeup
  • not having time for hobbies
  • not having their earbuds


  • FOOD | buffalo wings & mac and cheese
  • DRINK | sweet tea
  • COLOUR | black & white
  • PERSON | Hyodo


  • HOLIDAY | New Year's
  • SEASON | spring
  • TIME OF DAY | night
  • MOVIE GENRE | documentary


  • DRAWING MANGA | Fūri is a creator at heart and they've been working on their manga, HeartThief since they were 17 years old. They've since gained a somewhat sizable following, but Fūri has begun to realize that they question if being a full time artist is right for them after burnout as a result of churning out work for years.
  • NATURE WALKS | Taking hikes or even just short walks helps Fūri clear their head. They find nature fascinating and sometimes tries to identify the species of plants they see on walks.
  • WORLDBUILDING & CHARACTER WRITING | Fūri's true passion is worldbuilding and character writing. Unfortunately, it's hard to make a living on those two things alone, so they channel it into their manga, despite the burnout.


  • FINISH THEIR MANGA | Through many years and periods of burnout, Fūri's no longer feels the same passion for the manga that they used to, and they would like to end it soon. Of course, they want it to have a satisfying ending.
  • WORKING ON THEIR WARDROBE | Fūri has a solid sense of fashion, however they're pretty content with picking out whatever fits or is comfortable. One of these days they'll do a complete overhaul of their wardrobe with clothes they actually like, they swear.
  • FEEL MORE INDEPENDANT | Fūri has only recently moved out and begun living on their own, so they're still learning to navigate the challenges of living alone for the first time. Fūri is often very critical of their mistakes and forgetfulness when it comes to basic household tasks, but they try to forgive and remind themself that there's no wrong way to be independant.


  • BECOME A FLIGHT ATTENDANT | Fūri knows that the position isn't right for them. They're socially awkward and hate unpredictability, but Fūri can't help but dream about what it would be like to be a flight attendant.
  • HAVE A FULFILLING JOB | Fūri struggles to find a fulfilling career due to the stress of freelance but the structured rigidity of cooperate work. They don't know what the perfect balance is yet, but they think that just maybe, working as the OTMGirl's graphic designer might be the perfect choice.
  • PICKING UP AN INSTRUMENT AGAIN | Fūri feels deep nostalgia for their days of playing the clarinet back in high school, and wonders if they should pick it up again. They know that their memories of the time have been deeply rose tented, so they refuse to pursue it out of fear that all they'll end up doing is reliving the bad memories.


pre-aggretsuko canon

age 0 - 9
  • Fūri is born
  • Age 3: Fūri's parents divorce
  • Age 9: Fūri meets their elementary school best friend

age 10 - 19
  • age 10: Fūri's friend gets them interested in art
  • age 19: Fūri began writing HeartThief
  • Fūri takes a break due to burnout

aggetsuko canon

age 20 - 29
  • age 20: Fūri graduates from college and begins to work on their comic full time
  • age 21: Fūri goes through another burnout
  • Fūri experiences yet more burnout and decides to start working at a jewelry store to have a more stable source of income
  • Age 24: Fūri meets Hyodo at an anime convention, and begins working with him a week later
  • Fūri asks Hyodo out, but he misunderstands the date
  • Hyodo asks Fūri out to apologize, but Fūri declines due to the date's extravagant nature
  • Fūri and Hyodo get together
  • Age 25: Fūri decides they need a break from seeing Hyodo after seeing how he manipulates Retsuko, however they get back together after Retsuko's political campaign
  • Age 29: Fūri Hyodo get married

The two are together for some time, slowly but surely improving OTM, both in terms of their business and popularity even after Retsuko leaves the group, however once Hyodo resorts to manipulating Retsuko to run for political office in order to reap the benefits of her spotlight, Fūri is appalled and outraged that he'd result to such underhanded tactics and decides to break it off with Hyodo, at least until he stops

Fūri continues to work for OTM, even after Retsuko leaves the group. Years pass, and Hyodo, Fūri and the rest of the OTMGirls are supporting themselves full time with their music. Hyodo and Fūri are now engaged.


experience share

Experience Share allows Maudie to transmit information, experiences, thoughts, and feelings telepathically to someone, and understand it in the way Maudie intends it to be understood.

If Maudie can imagine it, they can seamlessly give someone that thought and the other person will understand and experience it in the same way, as if they were reading Maudie's mind. For example, if they share a memory with someone of the time that they saw a beautiful painting, the person receiving the memory will experience the same emotions and understanding of that particular moment that Maudie feels about that memory.

The quirk works best with no outside distractions and at a close distance. At long distances and with distractions present, the information they share will be fuzzy, difficult to decipher, and takes a lot more concentration to get to them. If the information that Maudie wants to transmit to someone is something that Maudie has never experienced, the other person will only understand what Maudie thinks the experience would be like rather than experiencing the real, authentic thing. For example, if Maudie wanted to telepathically share a place they've never visited, the experience of seeing that place won't be 100% accurate to what the real place looks like, and instead will instead the person experiencing it will see it from how Maudie remembers it or how Maudie thinks it might be like. Even though sending a less specific experience, or one that Maudie has not personally experienced can lead to the other person experiencing an inauthentic version of the memory or feeling, if Maudie sends an experience vague enough, it doesn't really matter if the information itself is authentic because it's too vague to matter. For example, someone may experience a more vivid image if Maudie just sends a memory of a generic field, rather than an old fuzzy memory of a specific field.

To activate Experience Share, Maudie simply has to concentrate on what information they want to send, and who they want to send it to, and the effects of the quirk last for three seconds, however they can lengthen the time that the Quirk is active by continuing their concentration. Maudie can only use their quirk to affect another person's mind, and not any actions related to it. For example, they can make someone think about them simply by wanting that person to think about them, but their Quirk won't work if Maudie wanted that person to think about them every time said person was thinking about someone else.

Experience Share can't transfer physical sensation or reaction, but it can cause, intensify, or dull it. For example, if Maudie sends someone a sad memory, they might start crying, but Maudie can't make someone start crying on a purely physical level because there wouldn't be a mental or emotional component to that experience. Likewise, sending calming and relaxing feelings to someone may dull the pain of an injury, but this is only because their mind isn't focusing on it, not because the physical pain has gone away. Similarly, sending a happy experience or emotion to someone who is already happy will intensify the feeling.

If Maudie thinks about someone enough over a short period of time, that person will get a small jolt, similarly to suddenly paying attention if someone calls your name. How much Maudie has to think about that person in order to grab their attention depends on how far they are from Maudie, and if they're paying attention to something else.

Experience Share also works through dreams. If they're dreaming about someone, there is a chance that they'll get the jolt mentioned above, or even have the same dream as Maudie in some cases. Like other aspects of the quirk, its intensity depends on distance and distractions.

Maudie believes that touching someone might make a shared experience more intense, but they can't confirm for certain if this is true. This may just be an effect of the distance factor though.


  • COMMUNICATION | Because Experience share allows anyone to understand Maudie's point of view, intentions, and emotions, it's a great communicative and imaginative tool
  • MEMORY | Maudie has a great memory, though it's unknown if this is due to their Quirk itself, the result strengthening their memory due to their Quirk usage, or simply unrelated altogether


  • FATIQUE | If Maudie overuses their Quirk over an extended period of time, they'll get more easily exhausted and get migraines. Usually this only happens if Maudie is constantly using the quirk all day
  • FUZZINESS | The experiences that Maudie shares are, under most circumstances indistinguishable from any regular thought. This means that the memory could be crystal clear, or fuzzy depending on distance, concentration, and how well Maudie remembers and imagines what they're trying to send. The receiver can also notice natural flaws and fuzziness if they are aware that the memory they're experiencing is not their own. This most often manifests itself in the receiver noticing that most of the time, the people in Maudie's memories have blurry or no faces, because Maudie is faceblind
  • RANGE | The range of Experience share varies, but it typically only works within earshot of the receiving person. Maudie can also only send something to one person at a time. Maudie also can't receive someone's memories in return
  • DIFFICULTY TO CONTROL | Because the Quirk is controlled by Maudie's thoughts, it's possible for Maudie to accidentally share information with someone, simply by thinking about them. Fortunately, because activating the Quirk requires concentration, it's unlikely that they'll fire off a passing thought on accident


  • ONE-WAY TELEPATHY | Maudie can send memories, experiences, and thoughts to people, but can't receive them in exchange
  • EMOTION SHARING | Although the Quirk is mostly used to share memories and thoughts, it can also be used to share pure emotions, though this requires more concentration and can easily become dangerous if not used sparingly
  • DREAM SHARING | This is a somewhat rare occurrence, but if Maudie is dreaming about someone there is a chance that they could also experience the dream as well
  • KNOWLEGE SHARING | While their Quirk is typically only used to share small thoughts, it can transfer anything from long internal monologues to imaginative sequences


  • INFORMATION SHARING | Not only does Experience Share make it easy for people to be on the same page as Maudie, but because the Quirk is telepathic, they can easily send information much faster than physically saying, typing, or writing it
  • MANIPULATION | Because the Quirk allows people to experience Maudie's memories as if it were their own, it can easily confuse someone into thinking that Maudie's thoughts and memories are their own, which could work as way to easily mentally manipulate someone if the Quirk is used with the wrong intentions, or even without proper clarification. In extreme cases, Maudie could even get someone addicted to their Quirk by messing with their dopamine levels. Maudie is extremely aware that they can do this, and tries to avoid it at all costs.




[ boyfriend/husband ]




[ friend ]




[ friend ]




[ friend ]




[ friend ]




[ daughter ]


HTML by Eggy



  • DESIGNERjetsetspy
  • WORTH Unknown
  • OPEN FOR RELATIONSHIPS?platonic only


  • Fūri is often seen with their phone and wearing earbuds


  • Fūri usually has a deadpan expression
  • their fur is extremely messy when it's not brushed, making them look much larger and poofier



cf8c4ee2b25b1099b62519c426811583.png 5fd8904163b607709d634475abdd7a8b.png b716ebf66cfaecf4b26421bd751b8ac5.png ee3c5953686df77e8eda8bf63a11b950.png





Furi's manga






gifs by cute glitter scenes 


  • Fūri's name is based off both the scientific name for ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) and the Japanese yokai known as fūri (風狸)
Layout & edits by jetsetspy | Code by AviCode