Xyrandale ★



1 year, 9 months ago


Who could be considered greater than the emperor of the entire world, clearly the one who put him there. 

Xyrandale simply had to find someone suitable for the position, but the fifth prince was slain, and Xy was deemed a traitor by the new emperor (the former sixth prince who slew his elder brother). Xy should have been captured and beheaded that day, but the goddess' of fate seemed to have other plans when he met a strange human pair also evading arrest in the royal capital of the Elven Empire.

He held the highest position any mage could hold within the royal court. Known far and wide as the snake of the royal court of the Elven Empire. The emperor was old, he had ruled the empire for centuries, only with time as his one true enemy. And the court was split in support between the emperor's two living princes for who should take the throne next. The fifth prince, Feylin, and the sixth prince, Quinoveil.

Xy openly backed the fifth prince. Acting as an advisor to the prince. He did not even try to hide this act from the emperor, who merely turned a blind eye. Xy's knowledge and ability was too important to the kingdom for the emperor to expend energy to punish the young elf.

But not all eyes were blinded. And the emperor passed. The fifth prince had to enter the palace alone, leaving Xyrandale outside. No one expected the sixth prince Quinoveil to slaughter his own brother at the bedside of their deceased father. Events occurred too quickly when news reached Xy outside the palace. Xy was a thorn in Quinoveil's side. That the high mage chose his easily manipulated older brother to advise showed Xy's stance, and Quinoveil did not care for all of Xy's blessings from the goddesses to let the mage live.

When the soldiers of the palace surrounded Xy with the intent to remove his head on the spot. Xy fought back and fled. He would not set aside his own ambitions to death. While fleeing he encountered two oddly dressed humans who had ducked into the same alley to avoid the city guard. Xy would not get far if he exhausted himself casting magic to fight his way out, but these humans had strange weapons that kept the guards at bay.

Of the two, the man seemed to be giving orders with a clear head despite their situations. He was clean and well spoken, perhaps a foreign noble drawing ire in the passing of the emperor. Xy decided to try his fate and told the man he would offer his allegiance should they work with him to escape the city.

Little did Xy expect that the man would be able to call forth a rock giant to enter the city with the bright red light he sent into the air. They made it out alive.

Xy kept his word, and became determined to make this man, Eric, into an emperor that would rule the entire world.

incredibly vain and proud. Hates losing. 

In his goal to create an emperor with unquestioned rule, Xy practically clings to Eric. Teaching Eric everything he knows. 

Xy could never pinpoint where Eric and Anne hail from, as the two could not read the texts he presented, despite their fluent speech. and knew next to nothing of the history and culture. it wasn't until an encounter with the goddess of wisdom herself that Xy learns that his emperor to be hails from a completely different world.

He is considered very young for an elf, being under a century in age. The fact he held such a high position in the royal court was due to both his great blessing of magic and diligence in learning everything he could.

Xy tends to compare Eric to an eel. Completely different from the fifth prince who Xy could control like a puppet. no matter how much time Xy spends with Eric, he can't seem to get a grasp of Eric's goals. 

Can be drawn romantically with Eric (something is going on between those two even if it's not necessarily out of love). 

His name is pronounced with three syllables (Xy-ran-dale), Xy is pronounced like the Xy in Xylophone.